Officaily Not Getting Any Imbellis


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
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Fargo, ND
Ok, so every week I call Forest Lake Pets, a lfs not to far away. They tell me they have Betta imbellis but just not this moment, and so they tell me to call next Tuesady. Well, I've been calling on Tuesdays for quite too long, 2 whole months! So I'm not going to get any imbellis, but thinking about turning my 10 gallon into a soroity tank. Though I am mad at the lfs though.
Buy some Imbellis from another LFS and sell it to Forest Lake Pets. Then give them a call ask them if they already have an Imbellis. lol
See, that's the problem. There are very few.
HarMar Petstore
Something Fishy
A World of Fish
Pet Supply Ware House

None of the supply it.
I don't know if you can get ther but over in Fridley off Hiway 10 is a little LPS called "Exotics and Aquatics", they sell imbellis there. I was there last week and I was soooo tempted, but I'm leaning towards some albie's for my first wilds :hey: :hey: It's owned by a husband and wife and they've been doing it for years. Very knowledgable, very helpful, awesome people.
:drool: Now you did it! Me and my husband love bettas. At one time we had 25 1gal critter keepers set up in our appartment. Right now we have 2 boys set up in planted or soon to be planted 5 gal bio-wheel/heated tanks. We have been talking about breeding them for years but have never taken that jump. I have seen pics of these before and never really looked at them. After reading your post I went on a fact finding mission. Now my husband is in the shop looking at what we would need to set up breeding stands for the 10 gals. :hyper:
I was at A World of Fish in Richfield in late January and was impressed. I wish we had that place here but they weren't interested in opening up another store. Can you order one thru them at all? They had some gorgeous crowntails in when I was there. It was ssoooooo tempting to drive up there on my way out of town and haul them back to IL. I'll have to mail order too if I was anything but VT or be willing to drive quite a ways. It's too cold for sure now to get anything in by mail!!
I dunno if they ship, but if you are willing to pay, I can send you some good ones from there. I'd ship gladly. You can try contacting them at their home page but I dunno.
Thanks for the offer! I'm getting a housefull of bettas so that I have to get a family membership to every organization I belong to. :rolleyes: I might take a trip up there to see my sis-in-law and get yet another one who knows? Nice store. Hope you can get one from the place naughty suggested maybe...?? I'd ask at World of Fish tho about ordering too and see what they say about it. They are fish people to the max in there.
have you tried asking your LFS if they will get in for you?
If i ask nicley, mine usually do :)
Tell them that if you don't get your imbellis by the time their next delivery comes in, you'll take your business elsewhere. Shops tend to respond best to the threat of lost sales.
Tell them that if you don't get your imbellis by the time their next delivery comes in, you'll take your business elsewhere. Shops tend to respond best to the threat of lost sales.
This will not work as everyone there is kinda lazy. Ok, the boss was there, and my freind asked for a fish, and he's like, Oh, one of my eployees will get to you, I'll tell them. Well, we waited for a loong time. We asked him if he would get it for us and he said the same thing again. We ended up leaving with out the fish he wanted.
Tell them that if you don't get your imbellis by the time their next delivery comes in, you'll take your business elsewhere. Shops tend to respond best to the threat of lost sales.
This will not work as everyone there is kinda lazy. Ok, the boss was there, and my freind asked for a fish, and he's like, Oh, one of my eployees will get to you, I'll tell them. Well, we waited for a loong time. We asked him if he would get it for us and he said the same thing again. We ended up leaving with out the fish he wanted.

You should have gotten a net and done it yourself. I actually did this at walmart for the fish I rescued yesterday. I waited 10 minutes for help and after 3 pages for an employee to come to the fish section, I just got a net and got him out of there myself. I went and told the manager what I had done and to cancel the call for help, and she just said "Oh, OK. Sorry." Either thats the reaction you'd get, or they would say "STOP! Let me do that for you."

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