Of Fairly Priced Fish And Good Service


Fish Fanatic
Mar 26, 2009
Reaction score
Newbury Berkshire
Ok so there are some here who may know the place I am about to speak of, so this is for those who don't.

I had the singular honour and pleasure to visit a shop in a little village near swindon called Hinton parva the other week, it started as not much more than a comment made by my coalman Steve who works for Smiths of axford, Steve is a real nice and pleasant guy who always has a smile a joke and a bag of coal to let you have. He also is into fish in some way ( I haven't worked out how yet, as steve is a bit of a mystery in this dept ) because he started talking about them when he found out I had tanks, and I eventually asked him to keep his eyes open for tanks etc that no one wanted.

Sure enough some weeks later he asked me if I was still looking for cheap tanks and fish etc, and I said yes sure I was, he then told me that a place in the village of Hinton parva was selling them cheap, at which point i thought to myself " sure whats cheap, £100 each or so, out of my price range but speak on Steve", so I said how much then mate, and was told "well their only £5 each, and he has about 80 of them sitting outside as he has just had a refit done so he's getting rid of the old ones", hmm I thought, and asked if he had any 4' ones there to be told by Steve yep he has and a load of 3' ones, and so out came the Tom Tom and the car and a begging mission to the wife for a few quid ( I have to beg these days as she thinks I am a bit round the twist and obsessed about tanks and fish and her front room is wall to wall tanks, so I can understand her thoughts.

A little while later there I was sitting outside this little shop looking at gold, pure gold, in the form of glass tanks with the price boldly displayed tanks for sale £5 each, and each one included a under gravel filter with air line and stone, and a sliding top, they need a clean but hey at this mad crazy price I woulda licked the dirt of off them, and so I purchased a 4' one and rapidly secreted it into my car. I then went into the shop itself expecting to find a grotty little place with the usual display of over priced and half filthy half dead fish, boy was I wrong, and I am pleased to say it this time, yes I was wrong, I met the owner of the fish side of this place a decent and intelligent person with a smile ( genuine, not the shark type smile of the usual salesperson who only thinks your a sale) and I struck up a conversation about his stock and such whilst cruising the price lists as well as the fish themselves intent on finding the rip off, I couldn't!, no diseased or lethargic,dead fish anywhere, and the prices are well, unreal, I was looking at a chocolate goldie for the wife as our lfs wants £19 for one, his were £3.50, glass fish, well round here their £8, his £3, I wont tell you all of it because it would be too long and spoil it for anyone visiting, just believe his prices to be unreal and cheap, I went home with a nice few fish that I could not of afforded before and that was a nice feel.

I went back today and I got a number of other fish and bits and I just could not resist dragging home 2 more 3' tanks much to the wifes dismay ( she had to sit and watch eastenders with her feet atop of the tanks due to space). Whilst I was there I spoke to Ben again and as I was purchasing a male convict cichlid he asked me how big theothers were that I was going to put them in with as he was concerned about that, I was pleasantly surprised to hear that as well, not many people selling you fish really care or want to, he then asked me how many times I did water changes as they were important to him as well and so i told him and he was happy to let me take the fish home from him.

Ben let it be known to me ( in passing as part of a general discussion ) that his business is a single man op and he takes care of his fish, he dislikes any practices that would make many of us bilk or get angry at, and in short Ben is a thoroughly nice and decent fella, who I cant praise enough. When you meet Ben you will see why he is more special than most people in the trade of selling fish, theres something about him that sparkles and makes you know your getting a quality service and decent stock.

So where is this place in the village of Hinton parva, why its the same place that sells koi carp and other items like plants for the garden or pond of course. Its called the watergarden and can be found on google. or on bodyhorse hill.

If you take the wise decision to visit Ben and family, don't tell him I sent you or anything else, just be pleased, and go home with a chunk of change in your wallet. do I have any personal interest in this place financially or otherwise, no none whatsoever apart from being treated with respect by Ben and not like a muppet sale, good stock, good kit and a decent chat.

Im am sorry to say that I live in California USA wont be able to visit this shop. :sad: . But I had to thank you for sharring your story. It made me smile. I can picture your wife tapping her foot. :no: I just wanted to let you know that someone read your post today and enjoyed it! Thank you! :wub:

Ok so there are some here who may know the place I am about to speak of, so this is for those who don't.

I had the singular honour and pleasure to visit a shop in a little village near swindon called Hinton parva the other week, it started as not much more than a comment made by my coalman Steve who works for Smiths of axford, Steve is a real nice and pleasant guy who always has a smile a joke and a bag of coal to let you have. He also is into fish in some way ( I haven't worked out how yet, as steve is a bit of a mystery in this dept ) because he started talking about them when he found out I had tanks, and I eventually asked him to keep his eyes open for tanks etc that no one wanted.

Sure enough some weeks later he asked me if I was still looking for cheap tanks and fish etc, and I said yes sure I was, he then told me that a place in the village of Hinton parva was selling them cheap, at which point i thought to myself " sure whats cheap, £100 each or so, out of my price range but speak on Steve", so I said how much then mate, and was told "well their only £5 each, and he has about 80 of them sitting outside as he has just had a refit done so he's getting rid of the old ones", hmm I thought, and asked if he had any 4' ones there to be told by Steve yep he has and a load of 3' ones, and so out came the Tom Tom and the car and a begging mission to the wife for a few quid ( I have to beg these days as she thinks I am a bit round the twist and obsessed about tanks and fish and her front room is wall to wall tanks, so I can understand her thoughts.

A little while later there I was sitting outside this little shop looking at gold, pure gold, in the form of glass tanks with the price boldly displayed tanks for sale £5 each, and each one included a under gravel filter with air line and stone, and a sliding top, they need a clean but hey at this mad crazy price I woulda licked the dirt of off them, and so I purchased a 4' one and rapidly secreted it into my car. I then went into the shop itself expecting to find a grotty little place with the usual display of over priced and half filthy half dead fish, boy was I wrong, and I am pleased to say it this time, yes I was wrong, I met the owner of the fish side of this place a decent and intelligent person with a smile ( genuine, not the shark type smile of the usual salesperson who only thinks your a sale) and I struck up a conversation about his stock and such whilst cruising the price lists as well as the fish themselves intent on finding the rip off, I couldn't!, no diseased or lethargic,dead fish anywhere, and the prices are well, unreal, I was looking at a chocolate goldie for the wife as our lfs wants £19 for one, his were £3.50, glass fish, well round here their £8, his £3, I wont tell you all of it because it would be too long and spoil it for anyone visiting, just believe his prices to be unreal and cheap, I went home with a nice few fish that I could not of afforded before and that was a nice feel.

I went back today and I got a number of other fish and bits and I just could not resist dragging home 2 more 3' tanks much to the wifes dismay ( she had to sit and watch eastenders with her feet atop of the tanks due to space). Whilst I was there I spoke to Ben again and as I was purchasing a male convict cichlid he asked me how big theothers were that I was going to put them in with as he was concerned about that, I was pleasantly surprised to hear that as well, not many people selling you fish really care or want to, he then asked me how many times I did water changes as they were important to him as well and so i told him and he was happy to let me take the fish home from him.

Ben let it be known to me ( in passing as part of a general discussion ) that his business is a single man op and he takes care of his fish, he dislikes any practices that would make many of us bilk or get angry at, and in short Ben is a thoroughly nice and decent fella, who I cant praise enough. When you meet Ben you will see why he is more special than most people in the trade of selling fish, theres something about him that sparkles and makes you know your getting a quality service and decent stock.

So where is this place in the village of Hinton parva, why its the same place that sells koi carp and other items like plants for the garden or pond of course. Its called the watergarden and can be found on google. or on bodyhorse hill.

If you take the wise decision to visit Ben and family, don't tell him I sent you or anything else, just be pleased, and go home with a chunk of change in your wallet. do I have any personal interest in this place financially or otherwise, no none whatsoever apart from being treated with respect by Ben and not like a muppet sale, good stock, good kit and a decent chat.

you are welcome Becki. I am sorry you can't get there, it is indeed a nice place with a nice person behind it. I asked Ben a sneaky question knowing it would bring another answer with its reply, and I was happy to hear that unlike some places who merely rest their new stock before placing it in the tanks for sale, he actually has a store room where he Quarantines all his new incoming fish for a minimum of two weeks, when he bags them they are placed in clean water too, so I was happy I was getting nothing with a disease, I think it says a lot about Ben and his family, as does the way he talks too you and what he says.

I can only say shop with confidence, when we were leaving he said that if I had a problem, then I was to call him as he deals with all his stock sales and no one else, he doesnt like problems and will resolve them immdeiately, that also said a lot, and rather loudly.

Hmm, well thanks for sharing that. I will be passing though swindon on the weekend so i think i will pay this ben a visit. :good:
Sounds like a fab shop. We're driving down to Dorset for hols in summer-might have to make a detour on the way back!

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