Ode to a veiltail


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
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Wyoming, brrrr!
Let me count the ways :p

I've just been thinking about all the reasons I love veiltails so much so I thought I'd start a topic where we could all express our feelings for these great little fish :thumbs:

-VTs are what got me into the hobby many years ago, falling in love with the red and blue fish in cups :wub:

-They take so much abuse on behalf of all fish in tanks, they have become an acceptable decoration and almost a throw away pet.

-They develop awareness amoung people. Almost everyone knows what a betta is, and many many people, even non-fishkeepers have had one at some point.

-They take the brunt of the fact they will fight. People who are stupid enough to want to fight bettas uneducated will most likely do so with veils.

-Many spend their lives in cup or similar so that the rest of us can have our babies.

-They have given us all our fancy bettas in some shape or form and over time.

-The colors! Oh the colors, there's nothing you can't find from a veil!

- Row after row of fish and each one has their own personality, how awesome is that?!

Anyway, feel free to add on why the vt is so awesome to all of us, even at their own expense. Have you hugged your veiltail today? :wub:
*hugs VT betta next to me* Veiltails are GREAT! Mine is currently next to me trying to get attention :p
This is pretty much summed up in your post, but they are such little survivors. Even though it's so sad, my heart can't help but surge as I see examples like Grulla's boy, struggling to make a little bubblenest despite how difficult it was for him to swim and get around. :wub:
Veiltails rule.
Although i do like my ct - veiltails are always top in my heart.
They seem like they take a licking and keep on ticking - and they're always happy to see a face looking in on them.

And on the note of Grulla's boy - I'm happy to report he's made a full recovery. :D
i had my first VT (blue) in the teeniest little container for so long(6-8 months anyways), hardly ever changing the water and only feeding him every few days... and he is still with me. in fact he has the place of honor, here at work, with me on my desk!!! i wub him!!! :wub:

they take a lickin, but keep on tickin!
I've had two VTs so far. Love them! :wub: Also had my first in a small bowl for 4 years. :nod:

BTW, are VTs hardier than the other betta varietys? Just curious.

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