I had 4 for a long time the biggest at 18inch. I wouldn;t have them as a threat to corys as they struggle to take big bits of prawn never mind a cory. as they are so easy tofeed I;m sure they'd be full on pellets etc
I would have had a full grown sev as needing a bigger tank than a tank size ropefish
like your thinking dave altho im in no rush as once the discus are sold the tank will be re-stocked slowly. i will deffinately gou straight out and get the sev/sajica and maybe the golden panchax. then add a fish here a fish there as i find things that grab me. for now its all about research and gathering info on possibilities
because sods law i will see something i want and i will already be fully stocked .
Rope fish are good in groups and don't produce too much waste. If you have really small corys such as pigmy or something they'll be at risk but a full growwn cory wont be.