Oddballs That Can Mix With Severum/sajica


comfortably numb
May 23, 2008
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moving on my discus and getting back into sevs etc . 120g tank .

provisional stocking at the mo will be

1 red spotted sev
1 sajica
12 corydira sterbai
1 bn plec

any attractive/interesting oddballs that work in a new world cichlid setup?
black ghost knifefish would work. im not sure about the cory when its fully grown but they are a slow moving fish so the corys should be ok if adult :good:
A single (or maybe trio) of Leopard Bushfish may work, as would possibly a small group of African Butterfly Fish?
Birchir! since looking after Minxy's 2 I have found them very entertaining.
hmmm bgk? thought at 4x2x2 my tank wouldbe a bitsmall? leopard bushfish? will have to gogle those . star i do agree birchirs are v ery cool fish . i did have a senegal briefly until it jumped and got cooked by my lights . hard lesson learned holes blocked , schoolboy error. the only reservations id have with the bgkf and indeed birchirs once big enough is as matt said my corys could be at risk .
hmmm bgk? thought at 4x2x2 my tank wouldbe a bitsmall? leopard bushfish? will have to gogle those . star i do agree birchirs are v ery cool fish . i did have a senegal briefly until it jumped and got cooked by my lights . hard lesson learned holes blocked , schoolboy error. the only reservations id have with the bgkf and indeed birchirs once big enough is as matt said my corys could be at risk .
I wouldnt go for a BGK they can get 20"+ and IMO need a tank atleast 6x2.5x2 with 8x3x3 being best. Would fire eels be small enough that they wouldnt see corys as food? TBH most fish unless extremely predatory ignore corys and most catfish because of the sharp spines.
kizno i agree i think id be pushing my luck with bgkf in a 4x2x2 . deffinately agree that most fish ignore corys. at the same time tho i wouldnt want to put them at risk .

nobodyofthegoat had a quick google of leopard bushfish looks very much like a spotted climbing perch?? what kind of tank setup would they suit? im thinking of having plenty og bogwood , with silk plants ( sev) and at 1 end of the tank some branch like pieces of wood hanging down from the waters surface
kizno i agree i think id be pushing my luck with bgkf in a 4x2x2 . deffinately agree that most fish ignore corys. at the same time tho i wouldnt want to put them at risk .

nobodyofthegoat had a quick google of leopard bushfish looks very much like a spotted climbing perch??
Yeah there is always still that risk. What about some type of catfish maybe a group of pictus i know there not oddballs but they look great in a big group. Or maybe Hoplos.

Thats another common name for them there both Ctenopoma acutirostre as Goat said. Although since Mattlees one at a few " long choked to death on a Otto it tried to eat im not sure how they would be with corys when fully grown.
i had been thinking about other catfish like pictus. 1 i do like is synodontis angelicus. gorgeous fish. but i think i may leave the bottom of the tank to the corys.
Mattlee's horrible recent experience is the strangest I've read about, as that Oto was as long as his young bushfish! As adults, they should not be housed with "torpedo"-shaped fish <6cm, not a shape I associate with cory catfish (I think of them being quite stocky). They will also take some time to reach adult size of ~13cm SL, a few years.

They will love bogwood (ideally some stacked) plus some plants (fake is fine) to exhibit their "stalking" mode, trying to impersonate a leaf.

i had been thinking about other catfish like pictus. 1 i do like is synodontis angelicus. gorgeous fish. but i think i may leave the bottom of the tank to the corys.

Perhaps you mix in some Synodontis negriventris (Upside Down Catfish) with the Sterbais, who typically reach much closer to ~7cm than the often quoted 10cm?
nice idea but im not a lover of upsidedowns. i have to admit im finding the leopard bushfish most interesting at the moment .
Hi Mark, how about either a pair of Golden Panchax or a group of Reed fish or a Peacock Eel or brown knife fish

I would also suggest Nandus Nandus which are very similar to bush fish but a lot more active IMO, but are much hardy to wean onto dead foods
I'd get rid otf the corys and put them in another tank , will give you loads more options.
nah love me corys . davo im loving the look of the golden panchax . think we may well have a winner! will get doing some research on them . thanks

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