Periophthalmus argentilineatus
Common Names: Mudskipper
Family: Gobiidae
Category: Blennoid_and_Gobioid
Distribution: Asia; They can be found in Eastern and Western Africa, Madagascar, from the Arabian Gulf to India, Southeast Asia, China, Japan, and from Australia to Tonga.
Main Ecosystem: Swamp; They live on the muddy banks of mangrove swamps.
Temperament: Territorial; Their behavior varies by fish, but they are all territorial. Small groups are fine, as they will fight only if not enough territory exists to divide amongst themselves.
Diet: Omnivore; They love live foods, such as as small insects, but they will also eat freeze-dried foods, sinking pellets, and even flake food.
Care: Mudskippers do not need a lot of water in their tanks, but they do need an area where they can climb out of the water. They will spend much of their time on land, so make sure they have somewhere to go. A tight-fitting lid is a necessity, as these fish will escape from their tank otherwise. Mudskippers need a humid out-of-water environment, to prevent from drying up. Soft sand is a good substrate for them, and flat rocks are a good choice for decoration. These fish are generally pretty hardy if
pH: 7.5 - 8.5
Temperature: 26C - 32C
(79F - 90F)
Hardness: 18 - 28 dH
Potential Size: Male: 13cm (5.1")
Female: 13cm (5.1")
Water Region: Not Specified;
Activity: Not Specified;
Gender: Male mudskippers have a tall dorsal fin rays with which they use to display. However, the fin rays may be nipped, so don't assume that those without the tall dorsal fin rays are female.
Breeding: Mudskippers are egg-layers. No breeding has occured in home aquaria, however, probably because of the difficulty of re-creating their natural environment.
Comments: Mudskippers are very interesting brackish fish, and are a good choice for an oddball fish.
Main Colours: Brown, Black
Markings: Spots Small
Mouth: Normal
Tail: Convex