Oddballs For A 64 Litre ?

Sorry , I got Liters mixed up with gallons. You could still put a pictus catish in there with some elephant fish and maybe a african butterfly fish.

Sorry , I got Liters mixed up with gallons. You could still put a pictus catish in there with some elephant fish and maybe a african butterfly fish.

Even 64 gallons would, I would argue, be too small for the fish you suggested! Birchirs can easily reach a foot in length.

Elephant nosed fish (if that's what you refer to?) need a big tank. They're highly intelligent and social from what I've read and will thrive in a group of five in a tank much larger than 64 gallons, never mind litres.
Dwarf Pea Puffers would be a good idea for a 64 litre and you could probably go for about a max. of 5 in my experience but some may argue less. This is as long as you probably get 1 male and 4 females but could maybe get away with 2 males and 3 females, just be cautious of aggression. They are easy to care for just need to be fed on foods like bloodworm ideally as they won't accept flake food. Just plant the tank quite heavily and provide a few hiding spots :)
are u #71###ing me bichirs , spiny eals ropefish and dragon gobies ? u r #71###ing insane :S
Inverts are always an option as well. Vampire shrimp (or another common name being Cameroon shrimp or something like that) they get to be pretty big yet not too big for your tank, and are harmless filter feeders. Another type of shrimp are the bamboo fan shrimps that are commonly available. Or of you want an easy to keep kind of tank jut go with one of the non native us crayfish species from austrailia. Cherax destructor i believe? I had an American species and he was fun since they dont really give too much of a crap what their tank looks like (so long a it meets a few of their really un-challenging needs (that didnt sound right....oh well)) so moving things around are easy to do if you get bored of the tankscape just as long as you dont move things around TOO much too often or they will likely get stressed.. but their fun and are cool to watch.

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