oddball troubles


Fish Addict
Apr 2, 2004
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I need help chosing an oddball for a future 55 gallon tank with guppies, tetras, and danios maybe gouramis to get along in there and wont it them or their fry. i was looking at the dragon goby but they are too hard to feed? I was looking at eels or like shrimp or something....Im looking for an unique catfish or eel or something thats a bit odd that can get along in a breeding guppy danio tank? thanks
dragon goby is not hard to feed, heard they're almost blind. I would feed them sinking pellets or blood worms. I also have heard that you can feed them when you turn off the aquarium lights.

FMZ said:
dragon goby is not hard to feed, heard they're almost blind. I would feed them sinking pellets or blood worms. I also have heard that you can feed them when you turn off the aquarium lights.

Dragon Gobies are filter feeders and find it hard to swallow anything that big, pellets are out of the question. They do best on a diet of live Daphnia and Bloodworms where they can pick of the smaller morsels of food. You must also make sure that the food drops near to them or it will go unnoticed and the other fish will snap it up before the Gobie has a chance.

As for a fish that is suitable. That might be quite hard to find as alot of Catfish and Oddball are predators that will eat anything that they can fit in their mouth. Eels will eat the fry and probably the adults when full grown, there are some small catfish like South American Bumblebee Catfish (Microglanis iheringi) but these small fish well still try to eat anything that they can. Maybe you could look at some L-number Plecs or a Banjo Catfish. Although Banjos are known to eat small fish, IMe the things never move and wouldn't bother trying.

I can't think of any others at the moment but I am sure CFC might be able to. :)
Apart from strictly herbivourous fish like some plecs you will be hard pressed to find any fish oddball or not that wont eat guppy and danio fry and thats including the parents, even filter feeders will suck in such small fish if they are too close when they feed. Unfortunately in the world of fish anything that fits into a fishes mouth will be eaten, if you are more interested in the breeding side of the hobby then i suggest you keep your fish in strict species tanks.
im a nooby but i do know about oddballs! dragon fish are good if you want a peacefull tank. but they will eat fish that are small, so mabey it would eat guppys. i have one in a 15g tank with 2 albino platys. he doesnt bother them he mostly eats alge wafers and brime shrimp. (needs brackish water about 1.005) :alien: sorta ugly so look for a good one, if yuo can buy an albino one they are awsome!!! sorta expenive. also they have another name which is voilet goby
sorry to say stubby but alot of fry's worst enemies are their own parents! Alot of fish aren't exactly what you'd call "nurturing". Therefore unless you don't want them to get eaten you'd be best moving the perents into a breeding tank. If it doesn't bother you that the majority, if not all end up eaten than hell, get an eel! I have two and they get along great with everybody in my tank, are entertaining and are supposed to get tame enough that you can hand feed them. You need to make sure you've got enough room to house them though and provide hideyholes for them too. I come from the big ol' land of Oz so are too sure bout gallons, we use metric here (otherwise known as litres) so maybe someone else could be so kind as to inform you if your tank is big enough for one or two.
My dragon gobie loves chopped muscles & small earthworms, and he soon notices it,believe me!!!!!! they aint as hard to feed as people seem to think. think it would munch on fry quite happily too though!!!!!
hey if you are looking for a suitsble eel like fish for your tank why not try a caecilian worm or a rubber eel it is somtimes called i have one with 7 clown loach 4 orange finned botias 1 large gaint tyretrack eel 5 tinfiol barbs 2 convit cichilds 1 jewel cichlid but i have also seen them with smaller fish as long as they are quick enough they cant be eaten as the eel(which is realy an amphipian)is blind and eat worms such as blood tubilex (and maybee kuli loach) have pics if you want to see one

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