Oddball Tankmate For Oscar And Gt

Cant say for sure on BGKF with the gt and oscar as mine was only in the tank a week before it got attacked by the bichir. They are slow growing so that might cause it to get bullied by the oscar which is quick growing and the gt which is hit and miss once they get to a decent size. My weeksii is about 12-14 inch and attacked the BGKF which was around 8-10 inch , ornate's get to around the same size if not slightly bigger than weeksii bichir eventually so personally i wouldnt do it again.

I have a female Jack dempsey with my oscar atm and the two of them get on fine, the only issue in the tank is the jack dempsey and the sorubim lima catfish, the JD chases the catfish away a fair bit despite the sorubim lime being like 3-4 times the size of the JD atm.

as for the lighting get it yourselfit's cheaper. You can get bulbs for like 5-6£ and get a dual controller for around £60 new. Refelctors are cheap too.

Thanks. I will research some lights then and see what's the best option. They do seem a little expensive for what they are.

I think my GT and Oscar will be fine together. Obviously she hasn't hit sexual maturity yet as she's only 3.5" long, though with a hell of a lot of girth, but she's getting into a fair sized fish now and accepts him living in her tank. My oscar has grown an about half an inch since I've had him - 2 weeks! He is SOOO greedy, but a fantastic little character. I don't want anything which is a definite no no to these fish, as these are the ones who are definitely going in my 5x2x2.

So... I could either go for a bichir OR a BGK? Would I be able to try anything else as well as either of these?
I'm pretty sure a BGK would be fine with the O, as have read several people have kept them together fine, the possible issue is my little lady... :lol:

I am so chuffed as my GT took food from my hand last night :nod: I've been feeding my O from my hand since I've had him, he'll happily take a pellet, but hadn't tried it with her before as she's pretty shy when my hand goes in there. Also it hadn't really occured to me to try it before I read about people hand feeding their O's. However yesterday she took a few pellets from me :D I love my fish :cool:
Most Jack Dempseys are big softies compared to GTs,

Yeah, it's hard to tell how she'll turn out really as she's very good at the moment. Wouldn't say placid, as she is certainly the boss and makes it known if need be. However she has NEVER been nasty to any of my fish except the Pearl I tried with her. She will chase the Keyhole occassionally, but never bites. Also my fiesty little Ram is worse then her, he has been known to nip her! She really is fantastic, was looking at the pics of her when I first got her, she was such a titch, she has grown into a beautiful flawless specimen. Must get some better pics of her.

I will certainly have room for something else in the 5x2x2, will be going for lots of roots/wood and caves. There is a two month wait for my tank once I've ordered it, and we've found a new house now, so would like to coincide everything ideally so that the GT, O and new fish all go in the large tank together and can sort out terrotories from the start.
Or a Leiarius Pictus?

Not sure on the above as they get pretty big and like alot of catfish probly has a big mouth, very nice looking fish though.

As for the Dat's i wouldnt as theyre slow growing and large ones are expensive, theyre likely to have ahard time with the GT
OK, thanks, maybe I should just go with a bichir of some sort then... So, can I have anything else or just Oscar, GT and bichir?

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