Oddball Tank


Fish Crazy
Jan 7, 2008
Reaction score
Prince edward Island, canada
hi all Im planning on getting a 80g tank and I dont have the measurments but I should have then in a couple days
but I was wondering if a thin bar dat could fit in there with a few tank mates (birchirs,ropefish)
I would plan the tank with the dat being the centerpeice and having 3-4 rope fish and 1-2 sennys?
do you think this would be ok with heavy filtration and frequent water changes?
Hi there.
Sorry I can't help with your question but notices your sig and was wondering if you have the Lab in with those other fish. Are Labs not Africans? Can you do this? Is it working out?


yea the lab is working great
it was givin to me a year ago by my mom who thought it was a stunning fish
and the first week was a little rough but it is perfectly fine the colorations on it are the best Ive seen on ant yellow lab!
I think the only reason it likes my con is the con is female and the lab is male
they even share a cave together!
the only fish he is agressive too sometimes is my pictus and thats only when he goes in the labs cave
The dat will eventually get too big for an 80gl tank, so I would go with something that is similar, but not the same. You could always go with Ctenopoma species (to keep with the african theme).
well I wagoing to go with the limbing perch and that is still the fall bck plan but hat else could I keep so
4 ropefish
1 sengal
2 climing perch

and I realy want a bgk and when I find the dimensions I will find out whether the tank is suitable
but I might just skip them and go with a chiclid of some type like demofish or maby a sev
and I still realy wnt an oscar!!!
it just like big ugly puppy like oscar or cool poly's
urgh!!!!!! :X
I will choose polys any day! I actually keep demon fish with my polys, so I think that they are a good match. If you really want an oscar, though, you should be able to keep polys and an oscar together! As long as the polys are large enough to not become spaghetti! :crazy:
I'm pretty sure that Polys won't eat the Butterflies, but I'm not certain about it, as I haven't kept the two species together in the same tank (but I plan on it later this year, so I'll be watching this topic!), but I have kept both of them in separate tanks.

Polys are mainly bottom-dwellers, whereas Butterfiles are mainly surface-dwellers, but don't quote me on it, as I don't know for certain.

Good luck with your tank!
I agree with GM. Butterflies stay on the top and the sennys stay on the bottom. There really shouldn't be a problem. :good:
If you are talking about Satanoperca jurupari, then I would say about 8-10" full grown. A 55gl is MINIMUM for a pair.

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