Oddball Pictures Please

its funny though it circles then goes for it then stops does that about 10 times and just when you think your safe and its gone to the other end of the tank it bolts and just rips into you nasty little #### lol and it doesn't like plants in certian places in the tank too but it moves them carefully though lol
its funny though it circles then goes for it then stops does that about 10 times and just when you think your safe and its gone to the other end of the tank it bolts and just rips into you nasty little #### lol and it doesn't like plants in certian places in the tank too but it moves them carefully though lol

Aye they have the sheer power of a RD and the sneakyness of a texas. Very interactive though. Mine lived alone and had a few different toys. One was one of those bobbers you get in cheap fishing sets and one was a little fish with a jointed tail you get in those battery powered fake gadget fish tanks. He would spend hours knocking them about and the fish he would carry about in his mouth like a dog.
wow. Awesome thread for once catfish00 :p

Would love to see some halfbeaks, I really miss keeping them.
they are quite agressive arnt they im sure i remember a story about one of them killing a oscar like twice its size
this one is soft as **** lol feeds out your hand lets you stroke it but it does go giant gourami tipping some times when its bored lol which is quite funny
it only doesnt like my perunno catfish and it don't like shovelnose catfish(which i dont have a shovelnose) oh and my featherfin syno but it tolerates that now as long as its over a foot away from it lol i just can't catch it to put it in another tank lol too quick :good:
they aren't all in one tank , the clarias and channel cat is in my 5.6ftx2x2.6ft 825L with my giant gourami and plecs
perunno is in a 4x3x3 500L with the arowana and a red texas cichlid (red devil x texas)
i would lok eto be able to keep catfish that big but my mum wont let me have that big of a tank :sad:
i was lucky with this tank i straight swapped it for a mp eheim 200L which i only paid £50 for delivered but i had to do 2 trips to blackburn about 280 miles altogether lol
old mp ehiem i did have it nicely planted up at one piont i will have to find the pics out
that looks nice i hate how ive decorated all my tanks its all fake plants because i cant be bothered to look after live plants because they always die.

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