Odd Platy Behavior


Fish Fanatic
Feb 25, 2008
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I just purchased a platy more than a week ago. She is pregnant but ever since a got her, she hasnt eaten. All she does is float to the top corner of the tank. On the rare occasion that she poops, its white and stringy. Whats this?
whats wrong with her?
She might have a bacterial infection then if the poos stringy and white-need some medication for bacterial infection
she hasnt eaten in a week, when I feed her flakes, she eats then spits it out. So I bought live brine shrimp today but they just completely ignored it!!! now shes floating to the top again on her side
I would vote for a internal parasite, but she sounds to far gone for treatment. Most treaments involve a medicated food.
man, every fish i get thus far has had some problem with them!!! The water is perfect ( water is a tad acidic 6.8) just ever since I got the platys they just didnt eat. One just stopped eating suddenly and just hangs at the top.

So what should i do about the tank? isnt the tank infected?

is it normal for pregnant females to turn on their sides bfore giving birth?
They dont go on their sides beofre birth, She might have a problem with her swim baldder as well. I would put her out of her misery. Can you give me your water readings?
man, every fish i get thus far has had some problem with them!!! The water is perfect ( water is a tad acidic 6.8) just ever since I got the platys they just didnt eat. One just stopped eating suddenly and just hangs at the top.

So what should i do about the tank? isnt the tank infected?

is it normal for pregnant females to turn on their sides bfore giving birth?

My pregnant platy stopped eating (that I know of) about 2 and 1/2 weeks before she gave birth. It was scaring me... that I never saw her eat. She also just hung out in the top corner or sat on the bottom in the corner this whole time she did not eat. She had 46 babies and I moved her back to the community tank. She still did not eat after the move. Hung out in the on top in the corner of the tank. I tried feeding her all kinds of stuff... live food frozen food freeze dried food & flakes. She was soooo skinny and boney looking. I swear she did not eat for like 3 weeks after giving birth... so for like 5 and 1/2 weeks I never saw her eat. Sadly she died. I felt awful about it. I still have all 46 fry. They turned 1 month old this last Saturday. They all look just like her.

I don't know what was the deal with my mommy platy. My husband said ... "well you would die too if you had 46 babies". Haha! Someone told me on this message board to try giving her the inside of a boiled pea in case she was constipated. My platy never ate it but maybe yours will. Also... I remember her have white-ish stringy poop coming out when she was about a month pregnant. I never saw her turn on her side.

I know this didn't give you any real info as to what to do but sometimes it helps to hear other different experiences. Wish I had some answers for you. :eek:(

Good luck!
Ok, blaxicanlatino...I would say that it is a bacterial infection....the stringy poos and swimbladder problems are classic signs!!!
Try treating as I have had a fish that got better from symptoms like this...its a one in a million thing but worth a try if you ask me!!

Candee: fish normally go weak when they give birth anyway and so some are more susceptible to infection. What you have is a good old classic coincidence!!
Nice and confusing for everyone but thank you for sharing your experience!
why not treat it for internal parasites and see if she gets better.
how did she get the parasite? My tank is clean and the betta is doing fine ( a lil fat) but fine. Yhe platys are just... very lathargic. Thank you all for your help and concern and thank you candee; your post actually helped me feel better. Should I treat her with medication while in the community tank?
I said bacterial infection not parasites...omega59 seems to think we said parasites but we didn't. As I said in the first place it is most likely to be a bacterial infection (no parasites affect the swimbladder) and so treat with anti-bacterial meds and yes the answer is that it probably is alrigth in the community tank. Its not reccomended but I always do to make sure all other fish who may have less advanced symptoms can be treated too!
Just be careful with sensitive scaleless fish like loaches and some catfish.
I CAME HOME TODAY and noticed that the betta in the tank looked so fat that he was about to explode!!! I observed the "pregnant platy" and noticed a lack of gravid spot. I suspected that maybe she delivered her fry but the betta consumed them. 3 hours later, I was on my bed reading a book and noticed the betta freakin out. I jumped up to see what was going on and saw a tiny little white fish swimming vigourously away from the betta and buried himself in the gravel. I used a turkey basture to suck him and transported the baby into a small cup(temporary) and put some ground flakes in there. How should I go about this young fry? I also tried to feed the mother but she still didnt eat
well, one fry died, but now the white one has given birth ( betta ate them all) and shw swims on her side now (all the time) and she has a green patch on her body. Sounds like I should euthanize her

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