Odd Numbers?


Fish Crazy
Jan 29, 2012
Reaction score
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Is it true that nippy fish should be kept in odd numbers? Some places say yes, some places say it's just a myth, but I haven't read a single reason past personal preference.
I was planning on getting an additional 3 Tiger Barbs to school with my current 3, but I'm willing to go for 5 or 7 if its true.
I don't know if it's true or not, but in odd numbers they can't pair up, so maybe that stops any bullying
I don't think there's any advantage or disadvantage to keeping shoals in even or odd numbers; I've done both and haven't noticed any differences in behaviour between the two.

It is true though that odd numbers, for some reason, look more aesthetically pleasing than even numbers. You always use odd numbers of stems in flower arranging too.
i have 7 tetras 2 bw and 5 flame there 1 flame thats boisterous but none see to be bullies

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