Odd Fish For A 55g?

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Sep 29, 2012
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I just dont want anything too common like platys, guppies, and mollies.

They have to be able to get along nicely with my peacock eel :)
I just dont want anything too common like platys, guppies, and mollies.

They have to be able to get along nicely with my peacock eel :)

Is the tank cycled? Is there sand? Are there live plants?

If there's nothing besides the eel, I'd say

1x Peacock Eel
12x Ghost Glass Catfish
15x Bosemani Rainbowfish
4x Pearl Gouramis
1-2x Bristlenose Plecs

I just dont want anything too common like platys, guppies, and mollies.

They have to be able to get along nicely with my peacock eel :)

Is the tank cycled? Is there sand? Are there live plants?

If there's nothing besides the eel, I'd say

1x Peacock Eel
12x Ghost Glass Catfish
15x Bosemani Rainbowfish
4x Pearl Gouramis
1-2x Bristlenose Plecs


I haven't even gotten the tank to cycle it yet, haha. I'm craigslist shopping at the moment, so right now I am just getting ideas :) There will be sand, but live plants.. I don't think so. Maybe some moss, but that's about it.

I keep forgetting about those catfish! I wanted to get them, but they totally slipped my mind. Thanks!
I just dont want anything too common like platys, guppies, and mollies.

They have to be able to get along nicely with my peacock eel :)

Is the tank cycled? Is there sand? Are there live plants?

If there's nothing besides the eel, I'd say

1x Peacock Eel
12x Ghost Glass Catfish
15x Bosemani Rainbowfish
4x Pearl Gouramis
1-2x Bristlenose Plecs


What is with the deluded overstocking suggestions? This is the second time in a few days (last time it was 25cm Apollo Sharks as a better alternative to Tinfoil Sharks) that your suggestion is highly unsuitable (this time far too overstocked as Bosemani should reach ~12cm SL and their zippy nature plus vulture-like eating habits could well spook everyone else, 15 would be the large part of stocking a 5-foot tank).

A few oddballs that could work are...
1-3 African Butterfly Fish
6+ Upside Down Catfish (Synodontis nigriventris or the less common contracta are much better community citizens than the fiesty anti-social S. nigrita)
3-5 Leopard Bushfish
6-8 Congo Tetra

The above are a classic oddball combo in themselves, which will enable the fish that are trickier to put in a community (ABF and Bushfish) to get their share of food and not be spooked by active swimmers, I get the impression that Peacock Eels need similar consideration

What is with the deluded overstocking suggestions? This is the second time in a few days (last time it was 25cm Apollo Sharks as a better alternative to Tinfoil Sharks) that your suggestion is highly unsuitable (this time far too overstocked as Bosemani should reach ~12cm SL and their zippy nature plus vulture-like eating habits could well spook everyone else, 15 would be the large part of stocking a 5-foot tank).

A few oddballs that could work are...
1-3 African Butterfly Fish
6+ Upside Down Catfish (Synodontis nigriventris or the less common contracta are much better community citizens than the fiesty anti-social S. nigrita)
3-5 Leopard Bushfish
6-8 Congo Tetra

The above are a classic oddball combo in themselves, which will enable the fish that are trickier to put in a community (ABF and Bushfish) to get their share of food and not be spooked by active swimmers, I get the impression that Peacock Eels need similar consideration

I was introduced to the leopard bushfish yesterday, very pretty fish. He will be definite too. Something I haven't been able to find out about them - do they do better off in numbers or is a single bushfish fine?

I love tetras, but the ones I like, the bushfish will probably gobble up. What are some tetras that are big enough? Thanks in advance!

hmm not sure how I messed up the quoting, whoopsies!
Leopard Bushfish need to be either kept as singletons or as groups of at least three, in a duo one is likely to be bullied ( a common thing amongst anabantoids including gourami). I have four, three have been raised from 50p coin sized babies to ~10cm long over the last 27 months, while a fourth was bought at ~10cm when the others were ~6cm and so was instantly accepted as the new leader (adding similar sized new ones can be dangerous).

As I wrote above, the classic tetra to go with bushfish are Congo Tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus), because they reach a decent size (especially girth) and also because they are mild mannered in personaility and eating habits. For predatory fish, both bushfish and African Butterfly Fish are very shy, but the former become lovely interactive fish in the right setup.
If you have a tight fitting cover, 1-3 reedfish would be cool. An elephantnose would also work. Nobody, has a great stock list for you though.

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