Odd coloured Bristlenose..


My names Russell.... ....and I'm a
Apr 13, 2004
Reaction score
Milton Keynes - UK
a couple of our last spawn have a bit of an unusal colouring... they are really really dark.

But on closer inspection this evening, one of them has orange in its fins!

I'm hopeing its a perminant colouration as its cool and quite different!

anyway - here is a bad picture (It looks loads more orange in real life)

LadyMinion said:
Wow, that's quite striking! Throwback of some sort perhaps?
Dont listen to her little 'un

she's just being nasty!

...it dosnt matter what you look like, I love you!


I'll try to get a better, more orangey piccy...
I REALLY like the colours! - i'll be keeping this one for sure!
Hey! I was giving a compliment! :D

By throwback, I meant the colours are probably thanks to a dormant gene that became active in this spawning. It's not an insult.
LadyMinion said:
Hey! I was giving a compliment! :D

By throwback, I meant the colours are probably thanks to a dormant gene that became active in this spawning. It's not an insult.
I know your wern't... I was messin too :D
Smith my LFS is selling 'rare black and orange bristlenose plecs' and they do look like the one you have although with slightly more orange through them. Personally I think they are awesome and have told him to keep them for me until I get my tank up and running.
thats wicked!!

my bnose has recently changed colour, he has being getting vertical white lines on him,is this normal?

lol sorry to hi jack
our normal bristles do go lighter and darker - even stripy in patches...

But this little bugger is different to any others i've seen :D

I just hope it stays these colours and i can breed more of them :D
WOW :eek: I want one too :fun: :fun:

Can a Scottish LFS send them all the way down to me?? Wheres Scotty and his beam-me-up machine when u need him? :lol:
juvinile bristles do look a bit different - i though our first one was something a bit different and the shop got it wrong :D

they didn't :(
i am very sure you are aware that they change colours when stressed or it could be something to do with the lighting.
But that color is just weird... looks cool! How big is it?

atm i think i might have an albino bn fry! is this possible?

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