odd bettas!!

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May 27, 2005
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i have 3 beautiful bettas! 2 males (bartholomew and lilo(purple) both VT's) and one orange female named ky....ky is ready to breed with bart....but he wont embrace her.....problems......hes made the bubble nest im just not gettin ne action outta them 2...HELP!?
You shouldn't be breeding VTs as there are way too many already. You wont find that many homes for them. If you want to breed, research it and get yourself a nice pair of quality bettas from a breeder. They'll be worth it. :thumbs:
i'm gonna go on record and say go ahead and breed VT's if you want but make sure you have LFS etc. that will willingly take them, jeesh, all of a sudden VT's are horrible and to even think of breeding them is a crime against humanity. :lol:
again though..i say MAKE SURE you have someone who will willingly take them off your hands. breeding can be an enjoyable experience, i happen to know most of the people who wander into LFS and think about getting a betta don't care if it's a halfmoon or CT, they just like the colours etc.
bkk_group said:
i'm gonna go on record and say go ahead and breed VT's if you want but make sure you have LFS etc. that will willingly take them, jeesh, all of a sudden VT's are horrible and to even think of breeding them is a crime against humanity. :lol:
again though..i say MAKE SURE you have someone who will willingly take them off your hands. breeding can be an enjoyable experience, i happen to know most of the people who wander into LFS and think about getting a betta don't care if it's a halfmoon or CT, they just like the colours etc.
I tried to say it the nicest way I could :p Not that I'm upset. It does happen all the time anyway and there are hardly any people that listen.
Eitherway, if you do go through with it, make sure you have all the things you need to have. If you're in it just for the money, don't do it because you're not going to gain much if you gain at all.
well thanks i think VTS are beuatiful why is it such a crime to breed them last time i checked they were considered a breed of betta! ive bred them before its just the first time this has happend! i love my 2 veil tails and always will, and i am goin to petco or pet smart prolly both and find two beautiful Crown tails to breed. and so yes thanks
and i plan on giving them to friends and family and im doing it to enjoy them
softballstarr88 said:
and i plan on giving them to friends and family and im doing it to enjoy them
You do know that betta spawns can produce 400+ fry, right? You must have a lot of friends! :crazy: :lol:

Bkk's given you good advice - go to your lfs BEFORE you breed and make sure they can take any extra off your hands.

Do you have appropriate starting food for your fry?

:) It's not a crime to breed veiltails. There are just so many of them that they have become hard to place. Imagine someone having 200 veiltail fry and even with 25% of them male, you are talking about 50 fish that will have to have seperate tanks and that can be very expensive for most people. Most fish stores do not buy veiltails from customers. They get them in from mass breeders for next to nothing anyway. I pesonally don't have space for 50 seperate containers when the fry have to be seperated and I sure don't have that number of friends and relatives that would want to take on my fish. And that's not even considering the females. Glad you do. :D
Think of the difference between breeding veiltales and breeding plakats/deltas/crowns as the difference between breeding mutts and purebred dogs. Purebreds are always in demand, but mutts are harder to find homes for. Sure, if you end up with a litter of mutts you can probably find them all homes... but your "litter" of veiltales is almost certainly going to be more than the average litter of puppies if you have the slightest clue how to care for them. Even if they're free, and even if they're beautiful, it's pretty hard to find a home for 100+ mutts.
well thanks for all the post but y wont ne one just answer my question......by the way Synirr i love ur bettas they are beautiful
If you want to breed them but not get that many, why don't you scoop out some of the eggs? Just a thought. If you take out lots of eggs and leave only 5, that's a good number that you could probably find homes fore. Just a suggestion! :D

Edit: I've never spawned before, but I suggest taking her out and starting the conditioning all over again. I've heard to wait until the male has a large bubblenest and they male and female are swimming "with" each other (obviously the girl would be in like a vase or something in the aquarium.) Then let them try and embrace again.
Because you need to read up on the pinned articles at the top of this section and then your question will be answered :)
If you have read it properly you will have a fair idea already on what is happening-i think its mainly though just because many people are very concerned about your fish and because so much can go wrong with trying to get bettas to mate and breed.
I shall try to answer your question myself as long as you promise to read the pinned articles but first i need some questions;
a. What size tanks are you bettas in and are they in a divided tank set up or in their own individual tanks?
b. What are your male to female ratios and who is with who if some of them are together?
c. What particular bettas are you trying to breed with who and how are you going about it and what have you done so far?
d. What type of tank decor do your tanks have- do they have any heavily planted areas in it for the females to hide in?
e. What are your recent tank water stats like ammonia, nitrate and nitrite? if tank water quality has problems or is bad it is unlikely any fish will breed in it.

Firstly though i realy have to express like everyone else here that bettas have alot of fry and it is alot of hard work raising them and very time consuming and if you are a newb to fish keeping i realy advise you at least keep fish for 5months minimum with lots of studying and research and proper care towards them before you even consider breeding bettas- i realy feel that you do not know what you are letting yourself in for or have the money and tanks to do it.
softballstarr88 said:
well thanks for all the post but y wont ne one just answer my question......by the way Synirr i love ur bettas they are beautiful
The answer is don't be to impatient if they want to breed they will you cant force them to breed it may be many thing one or both are not quite ready they haven't been conditioned right and i find the weather is a good indicator when the pressure is low they spawn better...but don't try to hurry things they will spawn when ready BUT if after 4 days they haven't spawned call it quits and start again in two weeks after a good conditioning period................ :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
softballstarr88 said:
by the way Synirr i love ur bettas they are beautiful
Thankies :*)
I'd say that we really need more info to answer your question properly, so if you reply to Tokis's questions, maybe we'll be able to offer a little more help :)

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