Odd Behaviour In Pot Belllied Molly


New Member
Apr 16, 2009
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I have had this male pot bellied molly for about four month, recently i have noticed him acting oddly. He will stop swimming suddenly then just drift round on the stop until he is almost upside down. Some time he spends a while floating vertically. Hes in 60litres, fully matured, feed flake, alge wafers and frozen brine shrimp. All water parameters are ok. temperture is constant 28 degrees.
He did recently have ich but has been treated and recovered.
should i be worried about this behaviour, and is so what is causing it?
Pot bellied... do you mean a balloon molly? Sometimes, due to the compression of the body in this strain, you get swim bladder disorders which can cause a loss of balance. Is there any sign of gasping or heavy breathing? A photo would probably help. What did you treat the ich with?
thankfully he has stopped acting this way, i used aquamater ich treatment....and since doing a large water change he has gone back to normal behaviour....and yes i do mean balloon bellied.
thanks for the help anyway

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