Miss Dib Dabs
My male bn is acting a little odd this evening. He's sucking his way up the glass on the front of the aquarium and grabbing air from the surface! I'm sure I've heard mention of this before somewhere but really want to know he's ok. The tank is my gourami tank (35g mature, heavily planted.) and runs on an external ehiem ecco and an internal at the opposite end of the tank. There's also an airstone running permanently near the back of the tank behind the plants. He has plenty of hidey holes and has been eating very well.
All the other inhabitants are fine, if slightly curious at his behaviour. The girl has already gone into the plants for the night but was fine earlier when I saw her.
All the other inhabitants are fine, if slightly curious at his behaviour. The girl has already gone into the plants for the night but was fine earlier when I saw her.