A Shrine To Madness
So, my Oscar has been doing this for about the past year or so, and I found it amusing, but now I'm curious to why he is doing this. I feed my fish every other day, and they seem to be fine with that. But it seems that whenever I feed them my Oscar goes nuts and lunges at the food, as if he hadn't seen food in forever (one day he actually managed to jump out of the tank). But that isn't what concerns me. What concerns me is when he's done eating, it's as if he gets super pissed off. He darts at my blood parrot and severum, and will attack the glass, and that will go on for about a good half hour before he either is tired out or calmed down. My water perameters are the same as they've always been, everything is fine, so I doubt that is the problem, but is this just a personality thing? I'd really like to know.