Odballs With These Fish.

Hello. I have had my ABF in with my angels since day one(about 2yrs). I also have a elaphant nose in with them as well and it is doing fine. I have 4 cories and a fire & a brown spot eel in there as well. The tank is a 55 gal and everything gets along fine. Firer eel will go into 150 or 180 when it gets to big.Every one always says Angels are so aggresive but ive kept everythiyng from tiger barbs to ghostknifes with no problems. I had 13 tigerbarbs in with 7 lrge angels for 3yrs with no problems. The only time my angels get aggresive is when they have eggs and even then they just chase they nver hurt any thing. The secret to ABF in a tank is floating plants for them to hide in.
So would this work?

3 angel fish
2 rams
3 yoyo loaches
1 blood parrot
1 elephant nose fish
1 african ghost knife fish
3 rope fish
3 peacock spiney eels
Hmmmm, so would that work? :unsure: cause I am anxious to get fish :fun: ! I love getting new fish, it is so exciting! :wub:
I'd say sans parrot and angel, but otherwise gggreeeaaattt. Some people may say yes, but I'd say nah.
So would this work?

3 angel fish
2 rams
3 yoyo loaches
1 blood parrot
1 elephant nose fish
1 african ghost knife fish
3 rope fish
3 peacock spiney eels

3 angel fish? sounds like trouble to me. if 2 pair, the third will be beaten up. even if they're all of one sex, you'll probably have agression issues.

that sounds like an awful lot of chunky fish for just 75g. i think that it could work if you:
--drop to a single/mated pair of angels
--skip on getting the elephant nose (difficult to feed with so many cichlids)
--skip on the 3 ropefish (each will reach at least 2 ft in length and be quite round; that's a lot of biomass even without all the other fish)

so i would suggest this stock list:
1 or a pair of angel fish
2 rams
3 yoyo loaches
1 blood parrot
1 african ghost knife fish
3 -4peacock spiney eels

even then, i'd keep an eye on your angels if they start breeding. the bottom dwellers should be ok, but the ramd and the blood parrot will probably catch a lot of aggression during courtship and protection of eggs/fry.
Ive had angels all my life and i honestly have not had any of the agression issues every one is talking about. I had seven in a 55 gal for 6 yrs and they grew from 1" to 4 1/2"to 6" and they had every thing from gouramies to AFBs in with them with no problems. Even when they had eggs . My elaphant nose lived in that tank for 2 yrs and it never had any problem getting food. My other elaphant nose is in with 5 angels , 3 varieties of sharks, 1 firer mouth , severums, tiger barbs, gouramies and a few types of catfish and loaches . It has been in this tank for a yr and is doing fine. Rams and angels do fine together. As far as the AFB as long as you have floating plants it would be an awsome fish in a 75. Ghost knifes are picky and can be hard to look after when they are smaller.
this type of ? keeps coming up

their is no one list of oddball fish so many diffrent types of fish chould be classed as addball

just pick what types of fish you like does it realy matter if its classed as a oddball pr not
I like your attitude T1KARMANN . All fish are cool in their own way. What doen't work for one person sometimes works for others. Try what you like and if something doesnt work for you trade and try again. You should go with what you like with in reason.

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