I am ready to start my 'fishless' cycle. I was going to use the above product - with a little fish food also added to 'kick start' the process as instructed - but have heard these 'dry' bacteria additives aren't really up to the job. What does everyone else think? Should I forget this method and go the ammonia 'add and wait' method, as described by forum member 'rdd1952'? I don't have any ammonia yet and won't be able to get any for a few days but my tank is already filled with de-chlorinated water, substrate, bogwood and 'live' plants. Will my tank be ok for a couple of days like this before I start the cycle with the ammonia - or will it cause problems being 'up and running' without the ammonia in there? BTW, without the added 'dry' bacteria additive, where do the bacteria come from with the ammonia 'add and wait' method?