Nox(Hm) X Midnight(Pk/delta)

Sounds like your spawn is going really well! Can you see anything in the nest yet? :D

I could see the eggs yesterday, looks like a big spawn!
This morning I haven't had chance to look yet as I've got to clean up upstairs before I go downstairs...
My mums reasoning for this?
So I don't get distracted by my baby fighters :lol:
I could see the eggs yesterday, looks like a big spawn!
This morning I haven't had chance to look yet as I've got to clean up upstairs before I go downstairs...
My mums reasoning for this?
So I don't get distracted by my baby fighters :lol:

Pahaa! My mum would be glued to the babies herself if I had a spawn! :lol:

Sounds good though! Have you managed to get any pics of the nest? I'd love to see how Nox is doing :)
I could see the eggs yesterday, looks like a big spawn!
This morning I haven't had chance to look yet as I've got to clean up upstairs before I go downstairs...
My mums reasoning for this?
So I don't get distracted by my baby fighters :lol:

Pahaa! My mum would be glued to the babies herself if I had a spawn! :lol:

Sounds good though! Have you managed to get any pics of the nest? I'd love to see how Nox is doing :)

I'll be able to get some when I get to finally go downstairs :lol:
I think my mums more interested than she lets on and that's why she wants to be downstairs really, lol.
I have picture of dad from today and 2 very blurry pictures of the wrigglers. Try and spot them!


Daddy don't like me going near his nest...



(Please excuse my scruffy short nails, I bite them...)
Nest from above.
Very interesting, bet you cant wait, i cant :D
Very interesting, bet you cant wait, i cant :D

I really can't but I can't go home today :crazy:
Snow stopping me from getting on the bus as I stayed out last night... I hate snow, I mean really? In April?
The babies are now 3 days old and starting to swim but dad is staying strong and still being protective. I'm hoping he carries on this way, I did a water change yesterday and he went into a flurry of action. It was how he collected all his babies together, spat them into the nest and then attacked the syphon tube wilst collecting any babies that strayed.
Great! What are you feeding them? How many fry do you have approx?

Dad is on bloodworm and peas to keep him healthy and full. The babies are on Microworms as it's live food to start them feeding.
I'd say between 80-100 fry but I can't count them all as they are all over the tank now that they are swimming. Dad seems to be getting on with them very well.
You must have a lot of space for all those bettas :lol: Congrats :good:

My bedroom is fish heaven :lol:
I have my new 3ft in there, my 2.5ft is going in there. These are currently downstairs as I don't want to move them while they're so small.
Nice to see you're still going with the Bettas :good:

Long time no see of your posts, and I'm as impressed as ever :D
Nice to see you're still going with the Bettas :good:

Long time no see of your posts, and I'm as impressed as ever :D

Thank you. Yes, I've still got my betta's :lol:

My PK male is in another tank and yes he is currently living with a female until his tank is set up but since breeding him he has calmed down a lot and now won't even flare at his own reflection.

I admit this isn't the best but I literally have no where to put him as my other tank cracked so I have to wait till my 2.5ft is set up to divide it for him and Nox(this HM).

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