Now What?


New Member
May 11, 2007
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and the guy said that my ammona was 0,nitrite 0,nitrate 0,and ph 7. he said I was okay to go...

so i have 2 WCMM, what would be an ideal setup? I saw the rec. but I just want my fish to be happy and healthy.

If ot an alge eater then what to help keep that down? And how are my levels oing to react with new fish?
Are you planning on keeping the WCMM's once the tank has finished cycling? I would say that with 0 nitrates, the tank has not completely cycled just yet, however if you stock the tank very gradually and carefully, this shouldn't be a problem as long as you test the water on a regular basis and do water changes on a regular basis etc. The main thing is keeping the nitrites and ammonia to a 0.
WCMM/white cloud mountain minnows are shoaling fish and would do much best in a shoal of 6 so i would increase their shoal to begin with, by adding 2 more minnows one week and another two the next week :thumbs: . The tank is a little on the small side though for such active shoaling fish, however gallons is not everything- how long and wide is the tank :) ?
20 inches long, by 9 inches deep by 12 inches tall...

I went to fin and feather and got 5 baby WCMM's (One the 2nd to largest got sucked into the filter last night, she didn't look that good to begin with---and then the largest was a male & was basically bullied to death by my adult male WCMM...he died this morning) So now I have 3 baby's (all male) that are about 3/4 inch long,maybe less. Plus I got 2 ghost shrimp. They all seem to be doing REALLY well now, changed the tank around this afternoon during cleaning and they all seem to be having fun exploring their "new" place! I just need a reco. on an alge eater...the guy at F&F suggested an ochtild (SP?) he says they stay about an inch long....any ideas suggestions? I do a 10-15% water change each week on Sunday, check levels once a week. this is a 10 gallon tank, but I am also very excited to annouce that we will be expanding our fishy family by a 55 gal within the next 2 weeks!! Thinking saltwater...

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