Now That I Have Free Space...

Just pulled them both as I was certain they weren't doing anything. The male had a beautimous nest last night- then nothing this morning so,

I put them back in their jars, the male immediately went to showing off to his brother/neighbor, looking spectacular as always without a rip on him. I contemplated on just dumping the spawn tank then I noticed a ton of eggs all over the floor :X I don't know if they're fertilized, time will tell. A couple looked swollen so *maybe*. Theeen the male went bonkers and started smacking himself all around his bowl. I heard "ping,ping,ping" looked up and he'd lost his mind so I put him in isolation. I've never had a male do that before -_- I also notice that he's quite "full" with a white swollen belly...
Oh, my kids. *shakes fist*
Now watch this male drop dead on me after his concussion. I wouldn't be surprised.
Hopefully you'll at least get a few hatchlings, believe me i know how frustrating it is. I had 4 failed spawns one right after the other and my last MG pair - i got one baby out of and it died on christmas eve. I was keeping in in a half gallon inside the 10G spawning tank. I was so sad - it almost made it to 2 weeks.
My pure yellow HM's refused to do anything, the female ripped the male to shreds. My gold female wouldn't even look at the 3 males i tried with her. I was sooo frustrated!
Wow, never heard of a male flip out like that before, hope he's ok soon.

Good luck with the eggs, surely one or two must be viable :unsure:
Wow, that male is to die for! A real beauty ^_^ I love MGs, but I'm stocked, and promised myself I'd wait a good year before getting any more fish, since I'm having trouble keeping up with the 7 tanks I have!

I hope your next spawn attempt with them (if there is another attempt, which I certainly hope!) works out better. It'd be a waste not to breed that boy :drool:
I don't know,guys. No hatching yet :/
Buuut, they do seem to be fertilized, a few anyway. It's kinda cool in here, about 75, so it might take longer than usual. I haven't exactly given up hope just yet, but I'm not holdiong my breath either.
The male seems a bit better today, not as jumpy. He was freaking out all night. Everytime I'd walk in the fishroom he'd flip his lid...literally :S

Here he is after I pulled him last night, before the insanity can see that he was quite full :doh:


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Well, there was no bubblenest that morning, so they're just scattered around the tank. Daddy himself hatched in a jar never knowing his father it almost makes me believe that fish who have good fathers turn out to be good daddys themselves. Call me crazy but thats the pattern that seems to be taking place.

My red daddy, bless his soul, was the best ever and I've spawned a couple of his kids and they were good, too. I bet if I really put some thought into this I could think of more examples.

Anyhoo, I added a heater. The eggs are swelling and it looks like they're developing- just slowly. IME my cooler temp spawns take three days to hatch.I swear I see eyes but I could just be seeing things because I want to :p
Yikes! waiting 3 days would drive me insane :crazy:

I really hope you get some fry from this spawn :)

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