Now That I Have Free Space...


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
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Ft.Worth TX
..heh heh, I have room for babies!!! Maybe just in time for Christmas, we'll see. I expect this particular spawn to be a challenge as this male has never (ever!) built a bubble nest, he's the only one. One time I found a few bubbles scattered, but nothing that can be called "a nest", so we'll see. This might be a complete flop.

I set them up last night before I went to bed. I haven't turned the lights on in the fish room yet, but when I do I'll probably feed these guys again then release her this afternoon/evening.


lookin' a lil nervous here..\

love this one, the blue in his eye shows nicely :wub:

errrm, please don't hurt me mister..

eta~ just went to check, he started a nest the size of a pea :lol: Oh boy, this should be fun!
I don't even know if it qualifies as a nest :lol:
But I'm going for it anyway. I just need him to fertilize the eggs and make them sticky. That's all I ask of him.

And thanks for the comments :wub: These are MY babies :nod: I think they're quite beautiful!
Thank you kindly,missy! These are the youngest of my kids that I've ever tried to spawn.
my copper spawn male - Kyne, also never made a bubble nest and there was so few bubbles when they were ready to spawn i was nervous, but after the eggs were released....boy did he bubble nest! while he shuffled eggs he continuously increased his nest until he was finished tending to the fry.
i hope your guy will do the same.
You sure do have Gorgeous plakats!!!
I'm hoping that's what this guy does,too. Maybe something will click. And thanks!!
They're so prettyful!! :wub:
If everything works out count me in for a baby or two in a few months!! :D
he is awesome! :thumbs:
Good luck on the spawn :)

P.S....ever considered shipping to aus? :hey:

Yeah, I get the feeling this isn't going to work, but I'll keep them together a bit longer before I throw in the towel. Beautiful they may be, but cooperative they are not! :rolleyes:
i'm having a similar issue with my yellow HM's, the female completely shredded the male - she doesn't have a nip on her and Gulliver looks like he got caught in a propeller or something. they've been in for 2 days, if it doesn't happen by tonight i'm gonna yank them both. I don't have an exact age on Gully - maybe he's too old - But he's GORGEOUS! or was anyway.
They're not doing anything, but they're not being aggressive either so I'll leave them a bit longer. I think they're just too little. The female is out and about 24/7, the male has taken to the plants. He has HUGE bubbles scattered willy nilly all over the surface. He's really just sloppy.
Well, I feel better now after reading this, its not just mine. I put my red ST's together this weekend, after the male made quite a show all week of bubblenesting in his bachelor pad. Now that they're together, he's hiding in the plants, with a pathetic excuse for a bubblenest (more like two rows of bubbles under the cup), and the female is doing her best to just swim around looking for food. :rolleyes: Maybe our bettas are on Winter Break. ;) Good luck though, hope yours get their fins in gear for you. :thumbs:

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