Now Got My Abf

oops, sorry severum boy i posted as you

What!!!! How did you do that!!!!
You signed in as me diddent you?

Im not sure about Hatchets and being nippy, mine cirtanly wernt. It would probably be better to get a couple of butterfly fish than one.
I will do my best to try to find the ABF. I like those. and everytime i see hatchets they don't look too good so...
Found a nice ABF. Here it is.



You know they are predators and have huge mouths compared to body size rite?

and also you sex them by the anal fin shape. One sex has a curve, other is straight edged
Thanks for the heads up. To me they look sorta like small arowanas in the face area.
Can you tell me if mine is a boy or girl then? I plan on feeding it bloodworms, baby shrimp, flakes if it eats any and the occasional cricket.
Thanks for the heads up. To me they look sorta like small arowanas in the face area.
Can you tell me if mine is a boy or girl then? I plan on feeding it bloodworms, baby shrimp, flakes if it eats any and the occasional cricket.

Male has a curved anal fin, female has a straight anal fin
Its working for me. So...I still can't tell if mine is a boy or a girl. I definately not good at this whole guess what sex the African Butterfly is. I'm going to take a guess. Is mine a boy?
Make sure you have the top of the tank covered well. It's definitely depressing when you get up in the morning and you see your beloved ABF dried up on the floor, trust me.

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