Now Got My Abf


Fish Addict
May 20, 2007
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Hello. I'm really interested in oddballs and wondering if anyone had any suggestions for one.

Here's the stocking of my tank.

55 gallon
1 gold killifish
2 angelfish
4 congo tetras
5 rosy barbs
2 albino corys
2 panda corys
2 bronze corys
1 whiptail catfish
1 clown pleco
1 bristlenose catfish

Thanks in advance.
And if necessary I can rehome a couple fish. Mainly the rosy barbs and or congo tetras.
If you could find a black lancer cat fish, I think it would look good in your 55 gallon tank. I also wanted to compliment you on your picture of the 130, I worked on 'em for four years.
PS. If you haven't seen these particular cats, look em up. Very different.
wow your cleanup and bottom crew packs up almost or more than half your stock. try adding more middle or surface dwellers?
VampirePlec It is a 55 gallon tank. tropicalaquariast I would not be able to find a black lancer cat fish around here. But thanks anyway. And I was looking for a mid or suface dweller fish. But I don't know which ones would work.
Thanks again everyone but again I wouldn't be able to find one now. My lfs had one before but it's been long gone. Wouldn't the golden wonder killifish have a problem with the butterfly fish anyway?
I dont know if you would class these as oddball, they are certainly a bit different, but hatchetfish would suit that tank.

But depending on what killie species you have it may be aggressive to the hatchets.

A butterflyfish may be a little risky in that they can eat small fish, but it sounds like all yours are big enough, again, not sure about the killie, it could be aggresive to the butterfly, or eaten by it if small.
I'd say you could safely have a Ctenopoma acutirostre or two in there
I'd even go so far as to say a snakehead but you are in the US and that is not an option for you.
Thank you all so much.

Tommo- It's a golden wonder killifish. I'ts about 3 inches long.

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