Now Are We Sure About This?- Fish Id


the one and only
Jan 20, 2008
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i have just been reading this and was totally stunned,to me it looks so similar its scarey,, yes im possibly,probably wrong,but if iam are they from the same family or something, even the mouth is very similar ...ill shut up . you can tell me yes,no, why not.. pretty plz, im ever so slightly nervous, i was told it was a silver dollar


shelagh xxxxxx ( the fruitcake))
hes not nasty or anything, just want to be 100%

well i just had the windows open side by side and i can see a lot of diffrences, but some similarites too so are they from the same family ?? sorry to be a pest
Wow Shelagh, I can see why it stunned you...

Not that I'm even qualified to compare being such a newbie but look at the size of the Piranha's mouth in that link, it extends right under it's mouth.

I reckon you just have the silver Dollar, Aren't they in the same family though?? It would explain the similarity.
well im new too :) yes i see what you mean about the mouth, i had no idea what a pirhana relly looked like till i saw that post, i mean i have seen some on the telly etc, but not that close !!
Yeah its a Metynnis species.
Piranhas are beautiful ... but that is a silver dollar .. there is a lot of details different between the 2 species ... being 1 that you where looking out is probably the most agressive fresh water fish you can get ... you would know .
Easiest way I know to tell the difference is their mouth. Silver dollars and pacu (they look a lot like red belly piranhas when they're babies, I've seen the two mixed up at the LFS a few times) have a small blunt mouth, piranhas have an upturned bulldog mouth.

Mostly I posted to agree with Tyler: Those plants are doomed:) I had two silver dollars in a 30 gallon before I knew better and they wiped out a persistent duckweed invasion and destroyed my valisneria within a few weeks.
Piranhas are beautiful ... but that is a silver dollar .. there is a lot of details different between the 2 species ... being 1 that you where looking out is probably the most agressive fresh water fish you can get ... you would know .

Piranhas arent the most aggressive freshwater fish. They are really docile compared to a lot of cichlids and snakeheads. Sure piranhas have nice sharp teeth, but they are like super shy if they arent really really hungry.

Thats a silver dollar for sure. Piranhas have bigger jaws and a bit more underbite.
Its a Silver Dollar. Am i right in thinking that the plants on the left are Plastic?

yes its is((( plant on the right as you look at the picture ))), and you wernt supposed to be able to gyuess that :lol: the plants have taken a bit of a beating already to be honest, im not that bothered as long as they are happy for the time they are here, thanks for the info on identification, :)
Its a Silver Dollar. Am i right in thinking that the plants on the left are Plastic?

yes its is((( plant on the right as you look at the picture ))), and you wernt supposed to be able to gyuess that :lol: the plants have taken a bit of a beating already to be honest, im not that bothered as long as they are happy for the time they are here, thanks for the info on identification, :)

It you look at the top of the plant, there is a little connecter piece of plastic that connects another segment to the plant ( i ment the right but for some reason i said left!). Other than that i would have never guessed they are plastic.
Very old post, but in the interest of keeping the record straight and helping with future searches ....
The fish shown is a young male Metynnis altidorsalis. A mature male showing off its colors below (from my tank). Cheers!

Metynnis altidorsalis JESUS IMG_0342 latB.jpg

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