I just heard from my fellow AKA member that he’s sending my Nothobranchius guentherii Zanzibar this week . I have my 5 gallon all set up with the spawning jar with coconut coir . Any luck and I’ll get eggs soon .
The males are frisky . They spar with each other but not so much that they hurt each other . It seems more like trying to set up a hierarchy amongst themselves . They were hungry and they ate this morning . All six are still alive and looking good . One male entered the spawning jar but no female could be enticed just yet . It’s early days and I expect it to be a week or so before they settle down into a routine in their new home . The guy I got them from said he had over a hundred in a 55 and that’s where these came from . One thing is certainly a fact . These are really pretty fish . The colors are so vivid .I'll be interested to see how the males cope with each other in a small, bare tank. That's one of my concerns with future annual keeping.