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Fish Fanatic
Mar 25, 2004
Reaction score
Lancashire, England
Hi this is sort of a personal emergency. Let me explain:
Have had this tank nearly 5 weeks & i seem to be loosing alot of fish! I treat them then I loose some to another condition. I have just been informed I now need Anti internal bacteria med. I just don't think I am fit to keep fish. I really try to do the right things.

So my emergency is should i get rid of the tank all together?
Even though it is really my fiance's birthday/xmas pressie.

( I know I have posted simillar elsewere, I have just reclassified as emergency!)

:-( :-( :-( :-( :-(
What diseases/conditions have there been? What have you treated them with? What fish have died, how many? Are you sure you had the right medication for the right problem?

If you keep having problems like this, it seems like there's something wrong with the basics. What's your maintenance schedule, size of water change and how often do you do it, water parameters, temperature, size of tank and inhabitants etc.

Did you cycle the tank before adding fish?
Don't be disheartened lolly, we all make mistakes when we are new to the hobby and we learn from them too. Don't give up yet if you like keeping fish. ;)

I'm sure quite a few people on this forum will be able to help you or advise you when you get stuck. :nod:

First thing's first.......What type of fish are you having problems with? Describe the problems you are having, and the set up of your tank and if you have a water test kit post the results of all the tests you have.
All water condition is fine pH 7, nitrite 0, nitrate 5, ammonia 0.

Tank is 20g have lost 7 fish in 5 weeks.

Change 15% water every week.
However my fiance was impatient & fish went in berofe cycle had finished i.e. 3 days in.

We now have left & IMO condition of them:
1 Betta - good condition
1 male guppy - a bit off his food & listsless Part of tail missing
2 Female guppy - good condion
7 Danio - 1 with red patches & part of tail missing, 3 with part of tail missing
9 Neon tetra - seem to be bomb proof

is there anything i missed? :/
Check This out

Does no. 7 sound/look like what the fish has?

Once you have treated for this and finished the course, do a 30% weater change and add some carbon to your filter to remove the medsm, then start treating with melafix to help the fins repair
Thanks will look @ link @ home as work comp has too much protection.
Should I be using carbon filter after each medication?
If you are using different meds, yes, definately! It's not good to mix up meds in your water, some don't go well together.
As yet I have only used anti-white spot, that is supposed to also treat slime & velvet. When I have bought anti internal bacterial, will carbon filter first

Dont give up, keeping fish once you get the hang of it is a beautiful hobby all you need is a few pointers.

The guys & Gals here are brilliant and will help you sort this out, remember nobody can become experts overnight and everyone has to start learning somewhere.

Good luck and wish you all the best

BTW Merry Christmas :)
Thank-you Technium, will try to be a little more up-beat it is just i hate to think i am responsible for these deaths.
I haven't eaten fish since i was nine because i thought it was crule to kill them!
Dont worry you will be fine, just coming onto this site is a big step to better fish keeping believe me :)

When I started I killed loads too and I cant believe anyone on this forum will be brave enough to say that they have NEVER killed any fish when starting out.

Again relax we got ya back for ya :kana:

Take Care

BTW a fish with red patches & slow swimming has internal infection?
Does it need quarentine, dose med affect other fish?
Does increse in temp help fish get well?
I just read the post on white spot problem. Or does only work on that condition?
I need all the tips on getting fish well that i can find & fast as i hve only 3 day till I go away!

EEK! :(
i only raise the temp when treating for ich. The reason is that heat will speed up the Ich life cycle. For stuff like fungus I have heard that a lot of peeps actually get better results when lowering the temp

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