Not Sure What To Do...cory Not Looking Good At All!


Mar 10, 2010
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Hi there,
I have noticed this morning that one of my Sterbai Corydora is looking very very under the weather today. I first noticed by his behaviour, he is constantly swimming up to the surface and then just slowly falling down to the bottom, he then kinda zips all over the place in a frantic way before settling somewhere on his side for a while.

On closer inspection, he really is in a mess. When he was swimming upward to the surface, I noticed his underbelly has what I can only describe as a huge hole in it. To the point where I can see bubbles occasionally escaping from it. It also appears he has either lost an eye or it is very infected.

None of my other fish in the tank seem to be affected by whatever it is that has caused this, but I am unsure as to what to do with him. I have some anti-bacterial treatment, I also have white spot treatment. Do I treat the tank and see if he will make it through, or do I euthanise him to stop it spreading and to take him out of his misery?

He is trying to feed but I don't think I have seen him successfully eat anything. Tank is 125 litres and the water specs are fine, Ammonia: 0, Nitrates: 5, Nitrites: 0. PH is at 7.6. Temp is 26 degrees.

Ill attach some pics but I am sorry for the quality, he is still quite fast when he is moving.


This shows the state of his eye and a scar or hole of some sort on his head.


And this is the best shot I could get of his tummy, as you can see its like a perfectly round hole :(

Please help as I don't want to infect the rest of my tank if this is some kind of spreadable disease :(
you could try a salt bath but the hole underneath looks terrible.if i can remember its a bacterial infection that causes the flesh to rot.sometimes called hole in the head.
Do you think it is worth treating the tank with an anti bacterial incase it spreads to my other fish? Im pretty sure this guy isn't going to make it through though
to be honest if none other fish are effected its not a good idea to treat the whole tank.some meds kill the bacteria in the filter which could lead to further problems.if you think it can handle it float a small tub or glass jar in the tank with a strong solution of salt.10-15 mins should be enough then return it to the tank.the stress of doing this may kill it but seems to far gone to help it.
sorry i cant give you any advice except i do know that corys cannot tolerate salt so dont try that method
I have ended up euthanising the fish. It was for the best as he was not in good shape at all. When doing a water change today I have also found another dead Cory, from the same batch. I have only had them a couple of weeks so I can only assume it was a bad batch and they had some kind of infection. I am now going to treat the tank with Interpret Anti Internal Bacteria as I am worried it will pas to my other fish.

My only problem is I can't take out my carbon. It is part of my sponge filter media and I am worried that if I take it out I will lose all my bacteria. Will the meds still work with it in? Or how can I go around taking it out and not losing all my good bacteria?
If the carbon filter has been in the tank for more than 3-4 weeks, it won't affect the medication.
Yeah it's been in there for around 2 months now. I've taken it out to squeeze it once since having it but other than that it's been in the tank, I make sure I'm quick so that the bacteria doesn't die. I've treated the tank so I'll see how I go.
How likely is it based on the symptoms I have shown that it would spread? In scared to death of my Angel or Rams getting it as they are my pride and joy!

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