Not So Much A Journal ( More An Experiment)

thats going to look great when it grows, very nice layout!

Cheers m8, the thing is im contemplating wether to remove the HC now and just keep it an all moss tank :unsure: .... ive got shrimp in there now and im not to keen on dosing ferts while i have them in there and without the ferts i can already see a down turn in the HC growth and health :(.... will decided over this weekend and decide.

ive repositioned the wood in a more all of the tank way now and removed a couple of peices, also got some java moss to cover some of them so that will keep me busy tomorrow when im tieing it down lol
thats going to look great when it grows, very nice layout!

Cheers m8, the thing is im contemplating wether to remove the HC now and just keep it an all moss tank :unsure: .... ive got shrimp in there now and im not to keen on dosing ferts while i have them in there and without the ferts i can already see a down turn in the HC growth and health :(.... will decided over this weekend and decide.

ive repositioned the wood in a more all of the tank way now and removed a couple of peices, also got some java moss to cover some of them so that will keep me busy tomorrow when im tieing it down lol

Give it time! Give it time! I can see it in your picture if I squint really hard. Don't abandon it yet! It is growing. Patience.

What's wrong with dosing ferts and shrimp? Dozens do it here all the time. Copper I get, but nitrogen not so much, unless you're really dosing a lot of it.
thats going to look great when it grows, very nice layout!

Cheers m8, the thing is im contemplating wether to remove the HC now and just keep it an all moss tank :unsure: .... ive got shrimp in there now and im not to keen on dosing ferts while i have them in there and without the ferts i can already see a down turn in the HC growth and health :(.... will decided over this weekend and decide.

ive repositioned the wood in a more all of the tank way now and removed a couple of peices, also got some java moss to cover some of them so that will keep me busy tomorrow when im tieing it down lol

Give it time! Give it time! I can see it in your picture if I squint really hard. Don't abandon it yet! It is growing. Patience.

What's wrong with dosing ferts and shrimp? Dozens do it here all the time. Copper I get, but nitrogen not so much, unless you're really dosing a lot of it.

It's growing but i stoped dosing 2 days ago when i had the shrimp and tbh even in them to days it starting to not look quite so good. Dosing about 10ml daily 1 day tpn 1 day tpn+ dont ask why lol, ive just got both so thought id just alternate :p.

TBH there was another reason aswell, im using the tank as i originally planned and thats a shrimp come grow out tank for BN fry and my god do they fry produced alot of waste lol so having to do daily/2 day sand vacs and trying my hardest not to uproot any HC but still some comes up, easily replanted but still another reason i was tempted to just remove.

So you think that dosing this amount isnt going to be harmful to the shrimp then?, wasnt really willing to take the chance but i havent really had that much experience with shrimp so wouldnt really know, was more a precaution more than anythink.
Well just a quick update, i decided to remove the HC simpley becasue i added shrimp and i chose to stop dosing ferts becasue i have 'quite sensitive' cbs in there and to me the welfare of the shrimp came before the growth of the plants.... so i have just mosses and an unkown plant which grows like mad in my other tank with no ferts, low light so moved some over to add some cover for the shrimp.

Plants are ...

Uknown ..probably a hygro species
java moss .. recently added
flame moss
xmas moss
soon will be adding fissidens(sp)

Tanks as it now stands....


plant for you to ID if possible


thanks to all that has been helping and following this journey :)

You gave up on the HC mate? :(
Mine has started growing roots already , its only been in for a day or two. Seems to be spreading but i think thats just wishful thinking.

The plant looks very simillar to the Hygrophila Polysperma i had in my tank before, but it could be another hygrophila variation i guess.

What did you do with the HC? I hope you didn't throw it away, you could have sent it my way :p


(looking nice btw)
Looking good, particularly the moss on that middle bit of wood surrounded by the hygro. One thing that would say is that stopping adding ferts would (imo) adversely affect the water quality to a larger degree for the shrimp than adding ferts in the first place, appropriate fert dosing = healthy plants = healthy tank, plants with deficiencies will possibly degrade resulting in the release of ammonia I would presume.
You gave up on the HC mate? :(
Mine has started growing roots already , its only been in for a day or two. Seems to be spreading but i think thats just wishful thinking.

The plant looks very simillar to the Hygrophila Polysperma i had in my tank before, but it could be another hygrophila variation i guess.

What did you do with the HC? I hope you didn't throw it away, you could have sent it my way :p


(looking nice btw)

TBH m8 the HC in my opinion need ferts at least even if i wasnt running CO2 of any sorts and i dont really want to run ferts on this tank anymore, so decided to leave it off and remove whichever plants HC thought wouldnt do well been just left to get on with it. Plants went to a good home ;)

Cheers for the plants ID, whichere hygro species it is, it grows excellent without any help what soever and that suits me ;)

Looking good, particularly the moss on that middle bit of wood surrounded by the hygro. One thing that would say is that stopping adding ferts would (imo) adversely affect the water quality to a larger degree for the shrimp than adding ferts in the first place, appropriate fert dosing = healthy plants = healthy tank, plants with deficiencies will possibly degrade resulting in the release of ammonia I would presume.

Thankyou :)

For the lack of ferts i dont think either way with just having moss i will have any problems not using them, plant decay i would imagine been bare minimal so i diubt any ammonia issues would occure, i remove any uneaten foods daily so if there was to be any decayed/ bad leaves they would be removed there and then, the other thing is the tank was cycled to cope with a fully stocked (fish) tank if my understanding with shrimp is right.... then they are very low waste producers so the (if any) decaying plant matter was there unoticed the bacteria will just feed off it keeping the above amount needed for the shrimp alive.

the plant in the middle is extreamly healthy, i think the picture shows that and this plant has come out of an identical tank with identical lighting and no ferts, theres hardley any die off and tbh in the 6mnths+ ive had it ive only had to collect or remove probably a dozen leaves that have come off or died. I personally think the lack of ferts would be benificial to the shrimp even just as a precautionary measure than it would be to actually use them.
Well i forgot about this thread lol.... alot of changes happened to the tank, became back to very low tech with moss....

It's currently doing it's round the the invertabrates section but thought i would update here aswell to get more opinion from the actuallt plant experts aswell.

Currently has....

java moss
flame moss
pheonix moss
xmas moss
also has the original hygro species.

Couple of pics of before and after, pics were taken 18 days apart, all opinions and suggestions are welcome ;)



thanks for looking :)

The growth is coming along very well. :good: I can definitely see a difference and you have some great wood for covering with moss. Personally, I find the scape too symmetrical and it doesn't look as natural as a result. It is only my opinion, though. If you are happy with it, then all is good. :)

I'm moving this to journals. After all, for all practical purposes, your "experiment" is one. Then, you'll also have an easier time finding it when you update it.

Stunning, BUt I want that Wood - Where did you find it

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