not moving much


Fish Addict
Feb 5, 2005
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I have a plakat in a 5gal tank it has a heater and keeps a steady temp of 78 degrees. When I got him from wuv he was doing great he was doing better than the other two I got. Just recently he's just been sitting in one spot is there something wrong with him? I'm starting to get worried cause he's an awesome betta one of my favorites.
Does it have a filter?
A filter that's got a pretty good current going?
He just might hate the current.

Been there, done that - they really don't like current, especially if they've never been in it.
I just peeped back at him he's been in the same exact spot for atleast an hour maybe more.
Well I've had him only 4 days so he is in clean water I've removed some water with a turkey baster but thats all.
Dumb question, but the turkey baster was brand new, right?

You have dechlorinator in the water I'm sure...
And the temp's at 78 degrees?

That's odd..
yep brand new and of course I use dechlorinator. He's still not moving.
Any rapid breathing?
See any spots? How are his fins? Anything odd about them?

Do you have lights on the tank? Are they on or off?
No spots don't see anything wrong with his fins he is completely still but he's not dead.
Ok he just moved but he's not been very active today.
I know there's something wrong I just don't know what it is I am clueless.
Call me crazy but could he not like the 5gal? Does he want a smaller tank? I had a combtail in a 10gal hardly moved around and when I put him in a 1gal bowl it was like he was a new betta he was eating better and moved around more.
I got him from wuv and he's not that old I'm sure but she probably had him in nothing bigger than 2gallons.
Well I have 6 other bettas in unheated room temp water that stays around 78 degrees and they are doing awesome.

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