Euston - all I have is Fingers, (Betta Splendens), and a few Cory's.....). Sadly, I am very worried about the Cory's as they don't appear to eat and am thinking of rehoming them before they starve themselves to death.
Thanks Euston..... I do leave food in for them after lights out - not sure if they have any or whether the snails eat it.... I always vacuum any left overs out the following day and repeat again in the evening.
It distresses me to be honest, whereas the Betta eats immediately and you can observe the feeding, you can't with the Cory's......
Anyone got any photos of well fed Cory's? I don't know if its me being concerned or if I think they're looking concave....
+1, love the natural look.beautiful little tank. really like the aquascape. great job