Not Long Now...a Fresh Start For My Osaka 155


New Member
Nov 19, 2011
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I sold the first of my marine stock last night, and have a load going on saturday ready for the big move over to fresh water :crazy:
I was a little hesitant to go back to freshwater at first, but am really looking forward to it now.

I was wondering if there where any other 155 Osaka's on here that people could show off to give me a bit of inspiration. At the moment I looking at a tall central tangle of root-like wood, heavily planted lots of easy, undemanding plants. It seems that CO2 is probably not necessary if the plants are chosen carefully, and as I'm sumped, probably pointless. So am looking to use a decent substrate, some of the all-in-one types look good, especially as I fancy a dark substrate to go with the black painted background on the tank.

Stockwise, still undecided, but fancy lots of smaller fish, as opposed to larger show-piece fish.

So come on, somebody must have an Osaka to show off :)

I don't have an Osaka to show off, but have you looked into Boesemani Rainbowfish? If I had a long tank like that, I'd get a nice shoal of these very colorful, active fish. These are 3 inch fish.

Other peaceful tankmates with a lot of color:

red phantom

Five banded


3 lined

Dwarf Gourami
Pearl Gourami
Thanks, the Osaka's only 2ft long, is that long enough? The 155 is the vol :)

No. nevermind the rainbowfish then. It must be 155L, I thought it was 155G! :blush:

The others would all still be fine though. The largest ones are the five banded at about 2.5 inches, and the bronze corys about the same. Pandas might be a good option as they stay a bit smaller (~1.5-1.75 inches).
LOL, Thanks. I like the idea of the Cardinals, also like the black neons too. Never been a massive Cory fan, but then we only see the bronze ones around here :angry:


Just found some pics and info of Simpsonichthys picturatus, :hyper: Stunning fish, but tank mates may be a problem.

I can see the allure!

As far as you not being a fan of corys, I can understand that. I didn't see what all fuss was either, until I got them! :lol: Its probably for the best, they are addictive little buggers!!!

Black neons look great, but I've never seen them in person.
I can see the allure!

As far as you not being a fan of corys, I can understand that. I didn't see what all fuss was either, until I got them! :lol: Its probably for the best, they are addictive little buggers!!!

Black neons look great, but I've never seen them in person.
I saw them the other day. Not sure why they call them black neons. They aren't like neons in my opinion.
A lot of times fish don't look the same in a LFS as they would in your home aquarium. They have a iridescent yellowish stripe where the regular neon has blue. But the black line is the most prominent feature.
thanks for the input,both.

Has anybody on here got an osaka 155 to show off,

This was mine as a reef :)

Ok, I think I'm decided.

I think I'm going to base the tank around a pair of A. cacatuoides. Big group of tetra's (probably black neons) for company and possibly something else, but not sure yet.

A nice chunk of bogwood, loads of plants, sounds like a plan :good:

Still not sure about the substrate though. I'd like it to be dark as the back of the tank is black and I also think it'll show off the fishes colours but what to use? Sand, fine gravel? As I want planted, should I use a layer of fertilizer/soil underneath, or one of the all in one substrates?

Ok, I think I'm decided.

I think I'm going to base the tank around a pair of A. cacatuoides. Big group of tetra's (probably black neons) for company and possibly something else, but not sure yet.

A nice chunk of bogwood, loads of plants, sounds like a plan :good:

Still not sure about the substrate though. I'd like it to be dark as the back of the tank is black and I also think it'll show off the fishes colours but what to use? Sand, fine gravel? As I want planted, should I use a layer of fertilizer/soil underneath, or one of the all in one substrates?


Corys (if you are still gonna get some and they would be fine with your Apisto's, Im about to do the same) will thank you for a sand substrate. If you are gonna grow plants (and in an Osaka 155 you could really do a fantastic planted aquarium) you can consider putting a planting substrate like tetra complete underneath the sand. Playsand from Argos at £2.99 for 15kg is the best option. One bag would probably do for your Osaka but hey, it wont break the bank to get two bags. You could have a couple of types of tetra to give a bit more variety perhaps. I'm not sold on black neons but I know some people go crazy for em :) Looking forward to pics :)
Thanks mishmash :good:
I think I'll probably go with some cory's, just wasn't sure the apisto's would appreciate them :)

The tetra combination sounds interesting..hmmm What combo would you suggest, standard neons or something totally different like lemon?

I'll look into the play sand, isn't that quite bright though?

How big is your base? If it isn't at least 3-4 square feet, then adding another bottom dweller like a cory is a bad idea. If the apistos are male and female, then they are going to get a little territorial to protect their fry. The tetras will stay high enough that they are probably going to be fine, and the apistos won't see them as much of a threat.

BTW, as far as decor, apistos like caves.
thanks for that. To be honest, thats what i thought about the corys, as the footprint of the tank's only 60x45cm. Will definately put some caves in there, i'm on the hunt for some natural slate, or small flat wood pieces for that reason. Seen lots of plastic ones, but really don't like plastic decor. Ad

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