Not Having good Luck at all


Mar 1, 2005
Reaction score
Long Island, Ny
Last week, my 1st shipment (10) fish, were a day late. All were fine, but it being my first live fish delivery, I was a wreck.
Now 1 week later, I got my second delivery. (5 Fish) A MG Dt Pair I won, and 3 FREE. They came on time, and are alive, But don't know for how long. The ones I paid for seem ok, so far, but I can see why I got the others free. I think the seller just wanted to get rid of them. 3 yellow cambo(?) 1 DT Female, 1 DT Male, and 1 ST Male carries DT. Does anyone have a pic of mouth rot? I think 1 of them has it. I don't think he can even eat. What can I do for him? Even if free how does someone, in good consience send sick fish? Also charged $30 for shipping when it was only $17.85. Also the mg's were listed in the delta/hm, but I suspect all 5 are actually viel's How do I tell with DT?
This is a Delta

Note the straight edges and rays...with a rounded edge at the back.

This is a Veil

Note how the edges are curved, and so are the rays..they will appear "droopy".
I'd be happy to call them and chew some a$$ for you.
I've gotten pretty good at that.

Sorry to hear about the condition of your boys.

Early signs of this disease are greyish-white marks or patches around the mouth, or on the body or fins of the fish. These may appear thread-like, particularly around the mouth, giving rise to the incorrect name of 'mouth fungus'. Fins will deteriorate and sores may appear on the body. The gills may be affected, giving rise to bacterial gill disease. It may cause 'shimmying' behaviour in fishes like livebearers.

If it were me, and it was to the point of affecting his ability to eat, I would not mess around, bring out the big stuff - go for Tetracycline right off the bat. If he can't eat, he'll be okay getting by without eating for several days until his mouth heals.

Just keep him comfortable and make sure his water is sparkly clean.
Good luck with him.

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