Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
I got my wild caught imbellis on Wed as some of you know and I come home from work this morning and they are doin it!!!!! that's right ITTTT! I have no cultures, no fry growout... no nothing! They aren't conditioned except for the live bloodworms I've been feeding them for the 2 days I've had them lol.
I'm freakin out here. I have danio choprae in their tank... they'll chow on the eggs for sure right? I haven't even read up on imbellis breeding! Does the female need to be removed like with splendens? I know they are peaceful but are they peaceful with eggs? I see no bubblenest... but they are doin it under an almond leaf.
I'm pretty sure this spawn is going to not make it since I have no foods for them and they are in totally the wrong setup for breeding... that and I've had them two days lol. Geeze I thought you could keep pairs together!
I gave my friend a pair and his are still in scared mode... his just ate for the first time last night. Ughhhhh!
I'm so happy yet so freaked at the same time!
I'm freakin out here. I have danio choprae in their tank... they'll chow on the eggs for sure right? I haven't even read up on imbellis breeding! Does the female need to be removed like with splendens? I know they are peaceful but are they peaceful with eggs? I see no bubblenest... but they are doin it under an almond leaf.
I'm pretty sure this spawn is going to not make it since I have no foods for them and they are in totally the wrong setup for breeding... that and I've had them two days lol. Geeze I thought you could keep pairs together!
I gave my friend a pair and his are still in scared mode... his just ate for the first time last night. Ughhhhh!
I'm so happy yet so freaked at the same time!