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Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
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Camarillo, CA
I got my wild caught imbellis on Wed as some of you know and I come home from work this morning and they are doin it!!!!! that's right ITTTT! I have no cultures, no fry growout... no nothing! They aren't conditioned except for the live bloodworms I've been feeding them for the 2 days I've had them lol.

I'm freakin out here. I have danio choprae in their tank... they'll chow on the eggs for sure right? I haven't even read up on imbellis breeding! Does the female need to be removed like with splendens? I know they are peaceful but are they peaceful with eggs? I see no bubblenest... but they are doin it under an almond leaf.

I'm pretty sure this spawn is going to not make it since I have no foods for them and they are in totally the wrong setup for breeding... that and I've had them two days lol. Geeze I thought you could keep pairs together!

I gave my friend a pair and his are still in scared mode... his just ate for the first time last night. Ughhhhh!

I'm so happy yet so freaked at the same time!
Don't panic! They'll spawn again eventually, but if you want to save the eggs then do like you'd do for bettas- either take out the danios or remove the eggs. Foodwise, I'm not sure how small they are but get an ifoursia (SP?) sulture going- Just boil some hay, grass, whatever in water and leave in on a windowsill until it goes cloudy. Or try finely crushed flakes, but that might be too big.
I'm trying to think of how I can catch the danios without totally disrupting the whole tank. Thre are lots of plants and rocks and they would be hell to catch. I don't even see a bubblenest so I have no clue what he's doing with the eggs :huh: . I forgot I bought some Atison's betta starter awhile ago in my panic... I think that may work, but I doubt any of this batch will make it. I'll just try again once I'm PROPERLY set up for spawning. But I guess until then I should seperate them? :look:
Also boil an egg, take the egg yolk out, put it in a rag, and squeeze the rag under water, the egg yolk will be fine enough for the babies to eat. Its not a perfect replacement but in a pinch and especially with infusoria it works.
Thanks a lot you guys! They seem to be very gentle with eachother and the mother is helping collect eggs and put them in the very, very small nest! They have been embrassing since I got home, which was about 10:30. It's 11:50 now and they are still doing good. they are spawning above java moss so they can see the eggs pretty well. I'm just glad they aren't falling onto the white sand. So far the danios haven't come anywhere near them. The pretty much chill in the caves unless I'm feeding anyway. I may get 1 or two fry out of this after all! :wub:
They're quite gentle parents, a guy in my club keeps his parents in with the fry, so it seems the danios have to go :p

Still no clue where he's putting the eggs? I know Elisabeth's smaragdina made a nifty little nest under some driftwood. Look around!! How exciting!

EDIT~ ha ha, we posted at the same time.
Ok...sooo, any idea how to get the danios out without ripping the tank apart?











Amazing shots :wub:
Do the danios come to you if they think you have food? (never owned a danio so I'm clueless as to how they behave)
A bit OT, but do you have those guys in regular water of brown water?
Just the tannins from the almond leaves, but if I remove them the tank clears up in just a few days, so I don't know what my answer to that is lol.
Ok...sooo, any idea how to get the danios out without ripping the tank apart?

I laugh the bitter laugh of one who has wrestled with danios many times and I say... GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :devil: :rofl:
I have used the plastic bottle with the top cut and inverted , so there is like a funnel going in. Put food inside; skip feeding. Do be available to keep an eye on it. I caught 11 baby pandas that way the other day, along with 2 ADF, a cockatoo male, some sparklers, a honey, some pygmy cories, and a sampling of every other fish in the tank. Match the size of the funnel to the size of fish.

And I didn't have to chase anyone around with a net or tear the tank apart. :)

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