Not gonna kill em am i?


New Member
Feb 14, 2004
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I have just fed my fish a little bit of a sea food stick, they have in then crab, prawns and some other sorts of fish, they seemed to enjoy them but im not gonna have any casualties am i?
Um, may be a strange question but why woud you feed your fish something you think might kill them?

On the upside I don;t see why it would. Can you explain why you tink this?
I read in one of my books that you can feed em all that sorta stuff like fish and other meats but its just the quality of the product im abit worried about now! :look:
Hi AaronPenfound :)

It's usually good to feed fish a somewhat varied diet, but when I feed them anything that is not made just for fish, I try to stick to natural foods like the ones that are the ingredients in your seafood sticks.

The trouble with food prepared for humans is that it could have chemicals or preservatives added that are safe for us, but not for fish. Also, fish should not eat fat, which is often added, or a part of, these foods.

You have the right idea, though, about giving them a little change of pace in their diet. My fish enjoy these special treats. :D
Tropjunky said:
why are you feeding therem fish they're not canibals
Actually, a lot of fish are cannibals. Take livebearers for example, they will eat their own young if they can catch them.

Can't check this at the moment, but don't basic fish flakes contain fish too?

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