I'm fish in cycling with two neon tetras in a 36 gallon tank. For about three weeks, my ammonia has been no higher than .25 ppm and I've seen no nitrites. I seem to be kinda of stalled.
So in this thread (http/www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=175355), I read this...
"Firstly you need to look at what fish you have in the tank, you actually need to have a reasonable amount of fish to get your cycle going, I recommend about a quarter of the total stocking for the tank. The recommended stocking level is 1" of fish per US gallon of water. So if you have a 20 gallon tank, you should eventually aim for 20" of fish (not 1 20" fish, but 20" total combined from many small fish).To cycle the tank you need a quarter of this so 5" of fish."
Could this be what's wrong? Do I not have enough fish to actually cycle for my tank size?
It makes sense. At times, I've wondered how two tiny little tetras are going to leave enough ammonia in the water to even get the cycle going.
So the question I ask is should I get more fish? If so, how many?
Ideally, I'd like to end up with a school of neons, some creamiscle mollies, some glofish danios and a couple dwarf gouramis.
Are any of those hardy enough to add at this point? And how many more inches would you suggest?
So in this thread (http/www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=175355), I read this...
"Firstly you need to look at what fish you have in the tank, you actually need to have a reasonable amount of fish to get your cycle going, I recommend about a quarter of the total stocking for the tank. The recommended stocking level is 1" of fish per US gallon of water. So if you have a 20 gallon tank, you should eventually aim for 20" of fish (not 1 20" fish, but 20" total combined from many small fish).To cycle the tank you need a quarter of this so 5" of fish."
Could this be what's wrong? Do I not have enough fish to actually cycle for my tank size?
It makes sense. At times, I've wondered how two tiny little tetras are going to leave enough ammonia in the water to even get the cycle going.
So the question I ask is should I get more fish? If so, how many?
Ideally, I'd like to end up with a school of neons, some creamiscle mollies, some glofish danios and a couple dwarf gouramis.
Are any of those hardy enough to add at this point? And how many more inches would you suggest?