Not Again Simon!


Fish Herder
Feb 15, 2009
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hi all. simon is completely recovered from his wounds from being in a fight, but now he or one of the other 2 have major problems. we believe one of our cats has urinary tract infection (UTI) and are very nervous. i have a feeling that this is genetic for our cats, and we know that it is likely that their mother died of a Uti. When we got home from israel last week, we would expect no more than the cats peeing all over the house, my mom getting angry and me getting grossed out. their litterbox has been cleaned out many times since, and something is off. our cats are very well trained, and the last time they peed on the floor/carpet was when they were kittens, 7 years ago. from that point not a single drop of urine has come from their privates on to our floor, with the exception of the mother. they have been peeing everywhere. it is not bloody, but this behavior is very weird from them. we have a feeling it is simon because he is usually the one always getting sick, always getting ticks on him and always getting worms. he also spends about 150% more time outside. i have so far been able to check the 2 girls for inflamation on their vulvas and reddness, and they seem fine. i cannot seem to find where to check on simon, and was also wondering what other signs can be found. i cant call the vet until monday, i got screwed over for vet appointments on the worst time of week AGAIN!

thank you. :good:
Might very well just be down to stress and change, you have gone away and left them for a bit, some cats get stressed by even the slightest of changes, we always found our cats started vomiting everywhere when we left them...

Same as when im stressed, i get acid reflux or im just sick and it doesnt take much at all...

You might also find that your cats have been trying to change their hierachy and dominance which has resulted in a lot or territorial marking and submissive peeing away from the normal place because they arenervous.

I would more than likely put it down the a behavioural issues rather than a health problem, besides, i dont think UTIs are hereditary... i cant see how it would be... its an infection...
when sarah (the mother) got uti, she peed everywhere, and it was very unconcentrated bloody urine. she seemed to have no control.
is there atleast a possiblility that its uti? weve been away for weeks on end and nothing seemed to be wrong. it is also over a week since ive gotten back.
Oh poor Simon, I hope whatever it is its not too bad
yeah me too. hes been injured and dieased in the past though, and he just fights through it. he is my silver tiger, but most importantly a tiger.
Hi does sound like a propper tiger :good:
good to know. simon has been trained since november '04

simon does spend most of his time outside, as well as conducting about 80% of his business.
How is Simon today, any improvement?
well, no peeing that i know of since sunday, and hes been outside a lot. where is his penis so that i can look at it? is it a few inches in front of his butt?
Thats good news, as for his bits I have no idea I have never had a cat!
well, i wouldnt either, but he has been neutered so i can't locate his bits with his pieces either.

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