Not A Happy Platy

and cleaned the filters

Not too thoroughly I hope?

Think back - is there really nothing new you've added, put your hands in with something on them, sprayed anything near the tank?

U may never know what's caused this so keep up the water changes and gravel vacs and just let nature run its course.

You could try adding carbon to the filter, might not do much but wont do any harm either.
I don't want to presume, but fish dropping dead like that must be caused by something.
How do you oxygenate the tank? Is you filter outlet positioned at the surface? What type of filter do you have?

Hey, I have a long air stone in the tank. I have an Aqua One AR850, which has a built in filtration system, and yes the outlet is near the surface :)

Have you added any chemicals, soapy hands, detergent, possible water contamination?
I haven't added any chemicals. I always rinse my hands thoroughly before putting them into the tank, and even then, I try not to put my hands in the tank.

Are you adding dechlorinator, what type?
I always add dechlorinator. At the moment I am using API Stress Coat+, which apparantly removes the chlorine, chloramines and ammonia. Prior to using this bottle I was using the API Water Conditioner.

Are there any other signs of sickness, like white poop, erratic swimming etc..?
The only other sign I saw was with the first platy i noticed, which is why I orignally made this post. But he seems absolutely fine now. His fins aren't clamped and he's swimming around normally and eating.
Not too thoroughly I hope?

Think back - is there really nothing new you've added, put your hands in with something on them, sprayed anything near the tank?

U may never know what's caused this so keep up the water changes and gravel vacs and just let nature run its course.

You could try adding carbon to the filter, might not do much but wont do any harm either.

No not too thoroughly :) Just a bit of a swish around in a bucket of water.
I'm really OTT with putting clean hands or anything in the tank. When I was younger I had a small tank and lost all the fish within the hour when I bought a new fish. Turns out there was fertiliser residue on the fish bag that I had floated. learnt my lesson the hard way

I added some Vallis a couple of weeks ago. But once again, I washed all the roots and leaves.
fertiliser residue? not really a fish killer...

I'd hazard a guess your tiger barbs might have something to do with it...maybe...
I'd hazard a guess your tiger barbs might have something to do with it...maybe...
I really dont think I have a problem with my Tiger barbs. I never ever see them pick on other fish. Both the dead platy and gourami did not have an split fins and I've never seen them under stress Everything seems pretty chilled in there. Everyone just minds there own business. When I found them, they looked perfectly healthy..except for the fact they were dead :/
When I found them, they looked perfectly healthy..except for the fact they were dead :/

Thats exactly why it could be down to stress. not much you can do really. Anyway, one platy less makes for a better tank!
Hahahha yeah, that's a pretty fair call. I just love the bright colours.
So I now have another sick platy...
And now she's dead...

Okay so I've been watching my fish for the past 2-3 hours. Trying to find some kinda of symptom or cause.

1. None of the fish are gasping
2. Cory's are very still.
3. Tiger Barbs are swimming around in there group. Not bothering anyone, weaving in and out of the Vallis.
4. Black Neons and Hengle Rasbora doing the same as above.
5. Kribs - Female in her cave as per usual and the male just generally swimming around. Have not seen any aggression what so ever
6. Platies are doing there usual, blobbing around the tank. Pick at this, pick at that. Nothing unusual.
7. None of the fish are flicking against the sand, or rubbing up against any wood/rocks etc.
8. All of them ate today.
9. I caught a couple of them pooping. It appeared normal. No odd colouring, and did not look stringy.

Observations of sick Platy:
Swimming around normally like everyone else, then suddenly just sits on the bottom. Stays there for a while, swims a bit, then straight to the bottom. This went on for about an hour.

She then started becoming Uncoordinated (best word I think)and would lay on her side on the sand. Just when I think she's gone, she gets up and swims to the surface. Blobs around a bit, picking at things, then straight back to the bottom. She did this for about another hour, and then she passed :-(

Meanwhile, all the other fish are fine, doing whatever they want to do. I have turned the lights off and have been watching them for a further 30mins now. Still no agression from any of the fish. Platys have found their spots to rest for the night. Corys remain very still. Occasionally moving. Tigers, Hengle and neons are settling down a bit. Haven't noticed any more sick of yet. Fingers crossed for tomorrow when I wake up.

Also. About 1.5 hours a go. I tested my water. Stats:

Temp: 26.5

pH: 7.8

Ammonia: 0 (There was the slightest - and I mean very slight hint of green. But I had just done a 50% water change today. So will re test in the morning.

Nitrites: 0

Nitrates: 5.0

If there is anything I should be observing or have missed, please let me know. Of course any suggestions as to what this could be would be fantastic.
Hmm I doubt it. I dont over feed. And if that was the case, what about my Dwarf Gourami?

I just have no idea! It's doing my head in!

I appreciate all suggestions though thank you. And thank you for replying
maybe a bit warm, mine seem happiest at around 24/25, but that shouldn't be causing them to die I don't think. Is there any chance that they were exposed to high levels of ammonia in the past? The effects of ammonia poisoning can take a while to show from what I understand. How old are they? Could they be dying of old age?

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