Not A Happy Platy


Sep 21, 2011
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Hey guys.
I've just come home to see my male platy hanging up in the vallis with his fins clamped.

I tested my water and my parameters are;

pH: 7.8
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20

My pH is usually around 7.4/7.6. I have plenty of driftwood in the tank, so I'm not sure why my pH could be rising?

I just topped up the water level and he didn't even bother moving :(
Here's a pic.

As you can see, none of his fins are torn or anything, so I doubt he is getting picked on.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
I'd do a 25% water change, he probably doesn't like the nitrates that high, mine always perk up more after a water change.
Thanks for your reply.

I did a water change end of last week. I thought 20 was a safe level for Nitrates?
it is but some platies are picky, mine certainly are, I have a 60 gallon and if I don't do a water change every 2-3days, they get pis*y and just hang around, not very active, but as soon as the new water goes in, BAM they perk right up!!!! I love watching them so I try to keep them as happy as possible
If it's the only fish, let alone the only platy, behaving this way, I doubt it's the nitrates. 20 really isn't that high.

It looks plain and simple good ol' fashioned unwell to me.

Do his scales look like they're sticking out?
If it's the only fish, let alone the only platy, behaving this way, I doubt it's the nitrates. 20 really isn't that high.

It looks plain and simple good ol' fashioned unwell to me.

Do his scales look like they're sticking out?

Thanks for your reply. It is my only fish acting like this.
His scales don't look like they are sticking out.
Although he is looking a bit better today, he was swimming around a bit and ate. So hopefully that is a good sign!
Well I think maybe, this was a false alarm.
He seems much better today, swimming around the tank and eating. Maybe he was just having an off day?
Either way, thank you all for your speedy replies and help :)
But now I've found my other male has just dropped dead :-(
What should I do?
The male that just died wasn't showing any symptoms.


I'll do a water change!! :-(
Have you tested your water lately?
If all is well then I would say its the classic dwarf gourami disease, no symptoms just sudden death.
Have you tested your water lately?
If all is well then I would say its the classic dwarf gourami disease, no symptoms just sudden death.

Thanks for your reply! I have tested my water. Stats are above in the first post. He was so pretty :(
My Platy just dropped dead as well :/

Either way I have done a 50% water change, and cleaned the filters. Fingers crossed!
I don't want to presume, but fish dropping dead like that must be caused by something.
How do you oxygenate the tank? Is you filter outlet positioned at the surface? What type of filter do you have?
Have you added any chemicals, soapy hands, detergent, possible water contamination?
Are you adding dechlorinator, what type?
Are there any other signs of sickness, like white poop, erratic swimming etc..?

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