Not A Good Weekend :(


Fish Herder
Mar 17, 2010
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So, yesterday i moved some new fish from my QT to my main tank, and then moved my ill Dwarf Groumi to the QT tank.

Ever since i added the new fish, the Danios who normally sit mid level in my tank have been surfing the top - like with a fin out of the water. Every single one of them! How strange!

This morning i got up and my three glowlights do no look well! They are acting sluggish (more so than normal!) and looking a bit grey. So i think my whole tank is infected with what my dwarf had/has?

I have put in anti bac medicine in the hope it clears up. The new fish i put in was 3 cardinal tetras, 2 amano shrimp and 1 £45 plec! So i REALLY hope there is nothing wrong with them :( :(

So, yesterday i moved some new fish from my QT to my main tank, and then moved my ill Dwarf Groumi to the QT tank.

Ever since i added the new fish, the Danios who normally sit mid level in my tank have been surfing the top - like with a fin out of the water. Every single one of them! How strange!

This morning i got up and my three glowlights do no look well! They are acting sluggish (more so than normal!) and looking a bit grey. So i think my whole tank is infected with what my dwarf had/has?

I have put in anti bac medicine in the hope it clears up. The new fish i put in was 3 cardinal tetras, 2 amano shrimp and 1 £45 plec! So i REALLY hope there is nothing wrong with them :( :(


were you treating the gourami in the main tank? it could be an infection/parasite in the water. do you haev your water stats? at least you have already put in meds (what are they?) did you do a water change first?
So, yesterday i moved some new fish from my QT to my main tank, and then moved my ill Dwarf Groumi to the QT tank.

Ever since i added the new fish, the Danios who normally sit mid level in my tank have been surfing the top - like with a fin out of the water. Every single one of them! How strange!

This morning i got up and my three glowlights do no look well! They are acting sluggish (more so than normal!) and looking a bit grey. So i think my whole tank is infected with what my dwarf had/has?

I have put in anti bac medicine in the hope it clears up. The new fish i put in was 3 cardinal tetras, 2 amano shrimp and 1 £45 plec! So i REALLY hope there is nothing wrong with them :( :(


were you treating the gourami in the main tank? it could be an infection/parasite in the water. do you haev your water stats? at least you have already put in meds (what are they?) did you do a water change first?

Nope, i did a water change yesterday as per normal. I then put the new fish in my main tank, and the ill fish in my QT. Granted, maybe not a good move, but it just looked like the Groumi was ill at the time. When the Groumi went into the QT i added the Anti-Bact medicine. All the fish in the main tank looked fine (other than the random behaviour from the danios - any explination?!) last night. It was just this morning i noticed the glow lights were ill, so added the medicine. I did not do another water change as i did that yest.

Should i do another water change? If so, how much? And if so, how much medicine should i put back in?

No water stats today, but last night they were perfect!

Thanks !
i am by no means the most knowledgable person on here but maybe we would be better of trying to get a better diagnose of what is affecting them as specific treatment is better then general treatment

and it may just help save some of them

can you be very specific about their behavour and / any markings , spots, fluff that has appeared on them?
Ok. The Dwarf Groumi was VERY slow, and resting on the bottom. quite often rolling onto its side until he decided to lean against a rock! So i put him into QT

This morning, glowlight tetra was almost transparent without any colour, and was swimming at an angle. The other two seem ok.

The Danios last night were hovering around the top of the tank which is unusual, but now are swimming as normal.

Also, since adding the new fish (3 cardinal tetras, 2 almano shrimp and a plec) i can SEE a lot of crap! Granted it is sand i have, but i cleaned that area last night during the water change, so is strange to see it all there again already!

Test results:

Main Tank:

PH : 7.4

(all normal readings)


PH : 6.4!!! No idea why its so low
NITRATE: Almost 5.0 (only one fish in)

Tap water

PH : 7.4
NITRATE: just above 0
Are the fish showing any of these signs.

Head out of water.
Flicking and rubbing.
Darting, erratic swimming.
laboured breathing, or gasping.
Red pin prick marks, or red sores on the body of the fish.
Do the gills look pale with excess mucas, or red and inflamed.
Any white or yellow spots on the fish.
Any gold dusting of fish, or talc dusting on fish.
Is there a bluish film on the fish.
Has ph changed.
Can you see any visable parasites on the fish.
Check there no raised scales.
Nope to all of the above!!

Well, other than breathing....i would say it looks like they are panting a bit. That and being lathargic, leaning to one side, resting on the bottom etc are the only changes. Nothing physical like you mention, only in their actions
I would preform a water change to see if that improves the fish behavour.
If not get back to the board.

Have you been using any chemicals near the tank, or decorating.
Nope, nothing! I did a water change yesterday :/ If i do a water change, how much medicine should i add back in?
any air fresheners in the room anybody been cleaning
furniture spray polish is you filter breaking the water surface
Filter in main tank is above the tank (its an aqua one aqua style 620). the QT is under the water, but the output is hitting the water surface.

We dont have any sort of air fresheners, paint, or even non-stick pans as we have a parrot who cannot be near basically anything :p
Filter in main tank is above the tank (its an aqua one aqua style 620). the QT is under the water, but the output is hitting the water surface.

We dont have any sort of air fresheners, paint, or even non-stick pans as we have a parrot who cannot be near basically anything :p

do you smoke

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