Normal Parrot Behavior

They weren't breathing hard, but I am sad to report all have died :-( I lost over half the tank before My Male JP showed signs of Fungus, sadly the last of the fish died this morning. It was truly weird, no one showed signs with the exception of laying on their sides, when I came home and found both BP, all the fry and the angels dead I knew something was terribly wrong. JP was dieing and he was the only one that took the fuzzy look, none of the other already dead or any still alive had the symptons. I treated last night but it wasn't soon enough the last of the JP died this morning....
Woa... they all died? That's odd. I'm sorry. Was it just the JPs, or the other fish in the tank?
Everyone, only 5fish showed fungus(after losing over half the tank) :-( so I'm not really sure, but I am devestated
Wow, all I can say, is that sucks. Litterally. All your un-dyed JPB died! I'm dreadfully sorry :rip:
Thanks, have to start my search all over now v_v oh well I don't mind
might somebody have sprayed something in the air around the tank or lit some sort of incence/scented candle? it could have been some type of water pollution... i'd strongly suspect that since your betta died suddenly as well.
HE was removed before the problem with the main tank started, as well as my other betta that I gave a plant to from the big tank....I really have no idea what happened. And my room mate who is blaming himself isn't saying anything v_v I know he did something, just don't know what....though I found some wet electric tape I wonder if it had fallen in, cause it can be highly toxic, But I don't want Dan feeling any worse then he already does
You know, that could be the case. Who knows what chemicals what were on the tape, and how clean his (or hers) hands were. They had to get the tape out, right?
:-( I am so sorry!! This is terrible. It does sound like some sort of contaminate. Whatever it was it had to be bad to kill these fish. If there is anything I can do just let me know. If you have trouble finding un dyed let me know. If worst comes to worst I have a male I can grab a female for from the LFS and send you undyed fry. This is a terrible loss=( There aren't enough undyed JPs. Once again I am very sorry. Did anything survive?
thank you, no I lost everything. Today I'm cleaning the tank and reseting it up soon....
Wow, never put electrical tape in water, Not only did it kill all my fish, it also effected me. I'm suffering from acute posioning. Grande lol go figure. SO be careful, if posion or toxion get into the water when it evaporates it can effect what ever is around. :(
if you're suffering from poison as well,then it definitely wasn't the electrical tape! when were your latest water changes? has anyone been in your home to spray pesticides?

i would be very, very concerned if you've also gotten sick... i suggest creating a quick timeline of all the fishy deaths and any unexplained illnesses on your part or your roomate. do you have any other pets? if so, have they been acting strangely? i presume you've seen a doctor about your own symptoms.
Thanks oppositearmor For the Flowers ^_^

It was the electric tape, my water change was the week before, my roommate has not been sick nor any of the animales in the room (I have birds and they are the easy to kill). I went to the doctors, that's how I know it was from the electric tape in the tank, I got sick two day's after the tank died. Tox screen test are weird. But talking with the doctor he said that could be it, but what I found out is my room mate had to have left the tape in the tank for at least 24hrs >.> in fact she's been really (I mean reallllly) sweet since I got out of the hospital.....Man I feel bad for her right now.

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