Nooooot Long Now!


"A Coup D'tat"
Oct 29, 2009
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Ok During a water change today I Robbed a sponge from my moms cubard ( brand new one )

cut the green stuff off so its just the Yellow sponge. ( is it safe? If not im going to take it out as i hav'nt actuly put the filter back into the tank )

Shoved it into the filter. Along with two Sting ray Oxgyen thingys.

When i order my new tank. I Will Put the sponge ( temperarly ) into the new tank get all the bactiria from it and add the oxgyen stone things.

Then i will Go down to my LFS Buy a VT or some sort. And see how it goes for the long run. If i can keep it alive for atleast 3 months im going to rehome it. Then get a Crown Tail. And then Sell him for more at my LFS. Then get a Halfmoon.

What do you guys think?

Lets just Say

LFS Betta's Dont last long with me.. I Do everything right. Yet they still die.

Yes. I Have researched betta's before. But i find it wierd how they Just Die.

The last one died of Bloat The one before that. Just died Along with the platy.

I Dont want to risk JUST buying a Half Moon then waking up on morning like :eek: Oh Noes! :sad: and seeing him dead.

So basicly the LFS store Betta Is to cycle the tank proberly

Crown Tail

Oh My LFS is Fairly Dumb.

And they like me And they have said

"If you ever get any nice fish and cant keep them anymore bring them here im sure we can work a deal out"

So im not bothered how much thjey give me.

just as long as i can get a halfmoon
have you thought at all of the fish you care??????? sounds kind of stupid what your doing....and any betta lover wouldnt buy a fish with the plan to get rid of it before its even there........just so you can make some money cause you dont want to buy the one you really want in case it dies.....chances are your doing something wrong or the fish you have bought previously were not healthy fish to begin any case fish are living creatures and your talking about treating them like a pair of shoes or somthing......just my opinion.....
have you thought at all of the fish you care??????? sounds kind of stupid what your doing....and any betta lover wouldnt buy a fish with the plan to get rid of it before its even there........just so you can make some money cause you dont want to buy the one you really want in case it dies.....chances are your doing something wrong or the fish you have bought previously were not healthy fish to begin any case fish are living creatures and your talking about treating them like a pair of shoes or somthing......just my opinion.....
From What i've heard. LFS Betta's Have Lived in harsh conditions.

The bags they are put in are the size of a tea bag.

I Reckon they've died from Stress / Diseases etc.

I Dont Know.

My betta witch died a couple weeks ago Lived for Around 6 weeks? he was by far the best And i actuly cryed when he died.I just need to get back into the Routine of keeping betta's.

Since i lost him to bloat i dident want another betta till i was confident to move up to more expensive breeds.

And Nope. Im Not Treating them like a Pair of shoes.

Its Experiance.

You Buy the beginners Betta Eg : LFS Bettas ( Veil Tails? ) something like that.
Then you move up abit When your confident
Crowntail Betta Novice : I Was put Off when i heard Betta's Betta's All Died off Due to a Corwntail witch diseased her tank
Final of all
Half Moon : I Want one of these Quite baddly. I Just dont want to risk loosing it because the tank was'nt 100% cycled or w/e

Now if your thinking
"Oh So you'll use the LFS Betta To Cycle your Tank!?!"

Nope. He's just there to gain abit of experiance.

Might not get rid of him. Might put him in my community tank.

YES its possible as Nero ( My other betta ) Lived fine in my community tank.
have you thought at all of the fish you care??????? sounds kind of stupid what your doing....and any betta lover wouldnt buy a fish with the plan to get rid of it before its even there........just so you can make some money cause you dont want to buy the one you really want in case it dies.....chances are your doing something wrong or the fish you have bought previously were not healthy fish to begin any case fish are living creatures and your talking about treating them like a pair of shoes or somthing......just my opinion.....
From What i've heard. LFS Betta's Have Lived in harsh conditions.

The bags they are put in are the size of a tea bag.

I Reckon they've died from Stress / Diseases etc.

I Dont Know.

My betta witch died a couple weeks ago Lived for Around 6 weeks? he was by far the best And i actuly cryed when he died.I just need to get back into the Routine of keeping betta's.

Since i lost him to bloat i dident want another betta till i was confident to move up to more expensive breeds.

And Nope. Im Not Treating them like a Pair of shoes.

Its Experiance.

You Buy the beginners Betta Eg : LFS Bettas ( Veil Tails? ) something like that.
Then you move up abit When your confident
Crowntail Betta Novice : I Was put Off when i heard Betta's Betta's All Died off Due to a Corwntail witch diseased her tank
Final of all
Half Moon : I Want one of these Quite baddly. I Just dont want to risk loosing it because the tank was'nt 100% cycled or w/e

Now if your thinking
"Oh So you'll use the LFS Betta To Cycle your Tank!?!"

Nope. He's just there to gain abit of experiance.

Might not get rid of him. Might put him in my community tank.

YES its possible as Nero ( My other betta ) Lived fine in my community tank.

OR just cycle the tank properly by adding filter start, add pure ammonia for a good while , quite a few weeks, then buy one, do the right stuff and it will live, there must be somthing wrong if it doesent to be honest,

forgive me, but my betta's are the first fish ive kept, if you do everything by the book and beyond then you will be fine :good:
I Was put Off when i heard Betta's Betta's All Died off Due to a Corwntail witch diseased her tank

:look: :rolleyes:

But TBH, not all LFS betts are 'diseased' as such. That was just rotten luck. My first VT betta from the LFS lived for a long time, he started off in his own 10l then went into my community tank. He had a great personality.

I do slightly agree with keeping Vt's then moving on to different tail types, but if your just using the VT to cycle the tank, i dont agree with that.

Have you not already got another tank spare? If so you can clone the media from the filter from that and then pop it into your new betta filter. And that will be safe enough to use.

Also, just wanted to add, the LFS will not give you anything for giving them back a betta.

Hope that helps :good:
regular kitchen sponges will not work. they are "closed-cell foam" and ofent contain detergents even in the packaging brand new. the water will not flow thru them as it should. the sponge that is appropriate is "open-cell foam"...this is used in upholstery industry (for making say, couch cushions). THAT is the sponge you need as the water can flow thru the sponge. youd be better off using a small bag (say the toe of a piece of pantyhose) filled with gravel, or even carbon) in the filter to get some colonies going (if you can find open-cell foam). or go the the lfs and get what you need.
hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you are once again setting yourself up for failure :(
all the best!
regular kitchen sponges will not work. they are "closed-cell foam" and ofent contain detergents even in the packaging brand new. the water will not flow thru them as it should. the sponge that is appropriate is "open-cell foam"...this is used in upholstery industry (for making say, couch cushions). THAT is the sponge you need as the water can flow thru the sponge. youd be better off using a small bag (say the toe of a piece of pantyhose) filled with gravel, or even carbon) in the filter to get some colonies going (if you can find open-cell foam). or go the the lfs and get what you need.
hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you are once again setting yourself up for failure :(
all the best!
Also Yea Nope betta im not using him JUST to cylce the tank.

Just so i can get into the mood again and routines.

then move him back into the community tank

and i know not all betta's are baddly treated. But LFS betta's ar'nt alwaysi n the best condition.

may be a while replying..
Thank you :)

just got ot play the waiting game for the tank :hyper:

i dont like red/blue crown tails

i like black crown tails

(Yea.. abit random.. but yea..)

if i get one crown tail ( black / silver or w/e )

Im keeping him

If not them i miht just get a Half moon.
hmm, im using a sponge filter, with those sponges in my shrimp tank and they seem to be doing fine.
shrimp produce little waste as far as bioload goes. prob why youre getting away with it. enough surface area for shrimp waste, unlikely for fish.

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