Non Suckermouth Catfish


Fish Aficionado
Jul 31, 2008
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hi guys, im about to set up a 4x2x2 and wil stock it with boesemanis, denisonii's and some smaller harleqins.
i have a BN but im after a non sucker mouth catfish.
i have looked at a pictus but i know they need fairly large groups. Also, i have read that they turn into fish eating machines? will they munch a harlequin?
i have also looked at a shark catfish (i think thats what it is, they are fairly common in LFS's) but they can get upto 14"? im not sure if im thinking of the right one...

can anyone recommend me a 'free swimming' catfish that wont get massive, isnt predatory and wont eat plants.
good shout, how many will be suitable, i dont want lots, should i get two or three?
Synodontis Eupterus - The featherfin catfish


Platydoras Costatus (or other very similar 'Raphael' or 'Talking' catfish)

I've kept all these with fish as small as 1.5" with no problems.
I'd go with a group of either Hoplos or synodontis petricola,

Pictus may eventually munch on the harlequinns
shark Catfish are brackish
Raphael catfish will annoy you to hell (as they do me) as you see them about 3 times per year if your lucky
Ah, now I see mine regularly - they are greedy. They do hide but luckily in full view.
To be honest most catfish will munch anything they can fit in their mouths.

Corydoras are an option, as are Hoplo cats or Syno. cats.

small catfish, hmm...... red tailed catfish maybe? :p Lol jokes, maybe an upside down catfish shoak [as said above]

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