Non filter planted tanks

Do think not putting in a filter and using plants is better?

  • filters are better

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  • plants are bette

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I think both. However, I wouldn't run tank without a filter, but I have my coldwater without plants.

I don't know that plants are equal to a filter anyway... they use nitrAte but that's it. The filter is a good place to build uop the good bacteria for the cycle, so I don't know how that would work.

cheese specilast I have a 55 all natural (exepte for a heater) aquarium. I set it up in October. I have only lost 1 fish because I was stupid and bought a Brackish fish. Not counting the one that got eaten by my lobster :hyper:
bob16 said:
cheese specilast I have a 55 all natural (exepte for a heater) aquarium. I set it up in October. I have only lost 1 fish because I was stupid and bought a Brackish fish. Not counting the one that got eaten by my lobster :hyper:
do u ever vacuum or water change?
Because it evaporates so quickly I just add 1 gallon evryday :rofl:
I had an aquarium with no filter running for about a year or so. It was a five gallon with mud/mire and plants. Five small fish. I never did change the water, and I never lost a fish. The grew and seemed quite happy. But, I have been doing this for years...
because if you go true natural, instead of yellow rocks, and sponge bob blow up dolls... Nature will do its thing...
City muck wont work you have to go out to the country to get it...
Also you must accept all the critters that come with it... they are part of the proccess :) Moreover you must remember Crimson lives in central FL, the temp is realitivly constiant.. If you need a heater, you need a pump.

That being said lots of plants and few fish will work... You do need to take the dead leaves out!!!
If you don't mind algea look you can do almost anything you like.

Another method used in SW, that I have seen works in FW. 24x7 lit alega sumps.

Run that sucker and let the algea begin. more the better. Take out algea and the bad stuff goes with it.
Mine is Clear as crystal. I only have golden Chinse Algea eater a common pleco and a Gold Mystery snail
I personnally think that in order to pull off a plant filtered tank it would take a virtual forest, and a very large tank with frequent water changes.
Not really Kyle.

One of the main things to remember with a self filtered tank is not to over load it with fish. :)

The fish I had were very small. I didnt feed them,only topped the water off as needed. (evap.) They had plenty of foods living in the aquarium.

Adrinal is right. :)
Nature will do it's thing if you allow it to.
This means no scraping all the algae away- and no removing little "beasties".
Everything I did to/added to the tank came from the same spot. Fish/plants/mud/mire.

Mire is the slimy stuff in a pond/swamp. The wet soil. :) There are loads of living things in it.

Mud is wet dirt.

I do not expect you to set up a Discus Aquarium like this. The risks are far too high for that much money to be lost. Unless you have a grasp on the natural world, try practicing with a ten gallon tank and some small cheap hardy fish. Test your water like you would any aquarium. You will probably fail quite a few times- but, that's to be expected.

If you look under a lake you will see some pretty nasty stuff. ;) But that nasty mud/mire/grime is needed to filter the water. I truly doubt a plant alone could filter an aquarium enough to really support fish life. It takes an army of "unseens" to do such a task.

HTH's! :thumbs:
The main point of having plants is for them to produce oxegen and make the water breathable for the fish. You dont need a forest of plantes. You need quite a lot of Hornwort hat will kepp the amonia down. Amozn sword and Valsnaria are good hardy plants.Duck weds and java moss are good. The water turns a little yellow but nothung major like mirk an mire.All of it will balance in time . I do recommend starting with cheap and hardy fish to get it all balanced.

I still cant belive Im the only one who thinks planted :eek:
The funny thing is... well not funny haha... funny in the way... if you don't let it be funny you will kill yourself...
The SW trends are exactly the same as the Crimson method (pardon me for calling it that but in this forum she is not the only lover of the natural aquarium, but the only full time practitioner of it :) ). They use "live" sand, and "live" rock almost exclusively. The things that can be added to the Crimson method can be added (and are more importiant in SW)... pump for water circulation and added o2, heater... light...

biosphere balls were being made with 1 small fish plants and bacteria... they were compleatly closed systems often living for more than a year... think of one small fish in a 10 g tank...
easly NP.

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