wills has a bad back ground

#40## straight!!
wills has a bad back ground from what happened on the other site that was formed a while back. although a very good and knowledgable person i doubt it will go to him if this has anything to do with it especially if inchworm has her way as she wouldnt even let walkers have his pm's back.....
lol my thoughts exactly though.
Thanks for the nominations though guys - just for the record, I'm not really up for being a mod reason is time, simply don't have the time to reliably contribute to a moderating team.
As for any nominations, Minnnt is an obvious choice, but not sure what the situation is there. Nobodyofthegoat - incredible knowledge and unquestionable attention to detail.
I know he has been away a while but Davo86 is back around and again very knowledgeable
There are others that hands down could do it but would never get close, Star4 springs to mind.
On a sheer knowledge basis I have to admit a lot of the newer mods would have been top of my list - Ian, Simonas, Mattlee, ZoddyZod - not many people that can match that kind of team. - Thats not be disregarding the knowledge of the older moderators but its just from what I have read in my time here and some of the mods were busy with mod stuff rather than chronicling their tanks in the way others have.
Others that spring to mind - thereverendturtle, kittykat, ondriase (spelling) all big helpers and constantly active.
Also just a suggestion, now it is a funded site - get in touch with WILDER and pay her, her weight in gold to get the emergencies section back on its feet. I am not disregarding any of the hard work the mod team has done over the year and by no means wanting to step on anyones toes but WILDER was an incredible asset to this site and it genuinely panics me to know shes not posted here for ages and believe me when I say I really needed her recently in my tank.