Nom Nom Nom Diatoms

Make sure you test the water before adding anything too it.

Also I would leave them alone. Try not too clear it up which is hard but the faster the grow and spread the sooner they use up the nutrients and quicker the clear up themselves.
30kg next weekend and the same guy will bring me the rest of his 50kg (so 20kg) when he has sold all his fish in his tank. Its only a 30min drive so I shouldn't have die off either *fingers crossed*
Thats alot of rock :hyper:

Bet you get a few hitchikers and then its diatom time. :lol:
My system is 550l ish. So I originally wanted 40kg but he has 50kg and he is bringing me a 3ft tank free for my sump and also his CUC with the 2nd lot of rock, depending on how the cycle of the first lot goes. It is all fully mature so it is possible I have no cycle!
Why must I be rich? My 6kg of LR only cost me £30.
Oh was that to me for gettig 50kg? haha I wondered why you wrote that fishy :blush:
I can assure you I am far from rich, but when its only £250 for 50kgs of LR with a free 200l tank and CUC crew thrown in who can resist :D
I wish I was rich.
Is it bad that I want to upgrade already and im only just acclimising my cuc with my first nano. :look:
Haha! it always happens! I went through 4 tanks with my freshwater setups in 6months, I kept wanting to upgrade :D
Why must I be rich? My 6kg of LR only cost me £30.

sorry, didnt make it clear to who was talking too. i just got 4.2kg for £50 :blink::angry: 7kg altogether now! :good: another 8 to go

Oh was that to me for gettig 50kg? haha I wondered why you wrote that fishy :blush:
I can assure you I am far from rich, but when its only £250 for 50kgs of LR with a free 200l tank and CUC crew thrown in who can resist :D

yeah, you are 50kg1 i only need 15kg and it will cost around £180 altogether :sad: but great find
Wow! Where are you getting it from? Mine is from a tank breakdown, couldn't cope paying more than £5 per KG! haha!
Cant wait to see it :D
Haha! it always happens! I went through 4 tanks with my freshwater setups in 6months, I kept wanting to upgrade :D

i wont be upgrading :sad:

Wow! Where are you getting it from? Mine is from a tank breakdown, couldn't cope paying more than £5 per KG! haha!
Cant wait to see it :D

LFs £12 per kg! :angry:
your lucky, cannot find any local.

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