Noisy Juwel Rio 180


New Member
Dec 30, 2004
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I recently upgraded to a Juwel Rio 180. It's been set up for 2 weeks now, but I am yet to add any fish as the cycle is not yet complete (I'm feeding the tank).

The problem I have is that shortly after the tank was set up, the powerhead started making an annoying rattling noise. I've checked the impellor, tried to make sure there isn't any air trapped in it, and have also removed the heater and filter media - it is definitely the powerhead rather than anything else in the tank.

I didn't want to take it back to the shop at the risk of having missed something obvious - does anyone have any ideas, or possibly has suffered the same problem?
I have had the same problem.
The whole powerhead is nocking at the side of the filter housing. Is the powerhead set up correctly? Try moveing the wire about to see if that makes any difference.
Note they have less noise that some other filters but are still not silent.

Hope this helps you out.

dreammedia said:

I recently upgraded to a Juwel Rio 180. It's been set up for 2 weeks now, but I am yet to add any fish as the cycle is not yet complete (I'm feeding the tank).

The problem I have is that shortly after the tank was set up, the powerhead started making an annoying rattling noise. I've checked the impellor, tried to make sure there isn't any air trapped in it, and have also removed the heater and filter media - it is definitely the powerhead rather than anything else in the tank.

I didn't want to take it back to the shop at the risk of having missed something obvious - does anyone have any ideas, or possibly has suffered the same problem?
dreammedia, It's not going to be that simple.

I have been where you are now, and Juwel are just NOT going to play ball.

You will get the standard, 'We've never had this sort of problem before'.

The problem is that the standard powerhead is just sssssooooooo cheap and unbalanced, that it will always be a pain in the proverbial.

Juwel changed the design a couple of years ago, and there is now no rubber foot to mount the powerhead on, hence the noise.

The damn thing shakes like a dervish, and transmits all of its shaking and whirring through the body of the tank.

I have had to bodge together a soloution myself.

The compact H filter is crap.

My next attempt, at extra cost to myself, may I add, is to put a universal pump at the bottom of the media trays, ie, underneath them, and use flexible hose and elbows to run the pipework up the drawpipe, where the present powerhead sits, and out through the hole.

You would think that Juwel would have [/I]tried to engineer a quiet filter.

Alas, they have just made it cheaper....and noisier.

Thanks to you both for your replies. My eventual (and succesful) solution was to take the powerhead back to the shop and ask for a new one. They tested it, and agreed that there was a fault - apparently the impellor wasn't operating correctly, even though it was brand new.

It has now been replaced, and the new one, for the moment at least, seems to be running much more quietly.

Thanks again.
hi,just to add to this i had the same problem on my rio 240 after 6 months.It turned out to be a damaged impeller..on the ceramic piece which results in an imbalance hence a rattle. When i stripped unit down for cleaning i would carefully clean out the chamber(once impeller has been removed) with a cotton wool bud.... since then no probs!!

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